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Pozycja Open Access Accumulation of Organochlorine Pesticides in Vegetation around of Places of Their Storage(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2014) Ivankiv, Maryana; Vovk, Stakh; Marcynovsky, Vitaliy; Department of Animal Sciences and Biotechnology, Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine; Department of Animal Sciences and Biotechnology, Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine; Department of Biology, Rivne State Humanitarian University, UkraineArtykuł dotyczy problemu zanieczyszczenia ekosystemu pestycydami i remediacji zanieczyszczonych gleb. Przestawiono wstępne wyniki badań akumulacji pestycydów chloroorganicznych, takich jak DDT i jego metabolitów (DDE, DDD), HCH i jego izomerów – alfa, beta i gamma w roślinności z terenów przyległych do magazynów przeterminowanych środków ochrony roślin w miejscowości Viazova i miejscowości Hlynsko w dzielnicy Zowkiwskyj w Obwodzie Lwowskim.Pozycja Open Access Adaptacja koni do warunków środowiskowych w czasie przewozu koleją i po transporcie(1963) Czajkowski, Zbigniew; Baranowska , Aleksandra; Dziembowska, Teresa; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Zoohigieny; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Zoohigieny; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra ZoohigienyIn der sukzessiven Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des Eisenbahntransportes auf die Organismen der Pferde untersucht. Die durch Transport erregten Veränderungen der inneren Prozesse der Tiere wurden auf Grund der Bluteigenschaften bezeichnet - vot dem Transport, sofort nach der Ausladung der Pferde, und nach weiteren 36 Stunden. Die Transportverhaltnisse, unter anderen auch biometheorologische Faktoren, wurden genau kontroliert. Die Verfasser sind zu folgenden Schlussfolgerungen gekommen. 1. Der unter den beschriebenen Verhältnissen ein paar Tage dauernde Eisenbahntransport (die günstige Anordnung der bioklimatischen Faktoren, eine fachmännische und sorgfältige Tierpflege) ist nicht zu beschwärlich für die Pferde. 2. Doch unter den günstigen Transportverhältnissen kommt auch zu einer gewissen „Umstimmung" des Organismus, was in den Veränderungen der PeripherieBluteigenschaften zum Ausdruck kommt. 3. Nach der Ausladung müssen die Tiere einen nochmaligen Adaptationsprozes durchniachen, der - unter den beschriebenen Untersuchungsverhältnissen - nach 36 Stunden noch nicht beschlossen war. 4. Nach dem ein paar Tage dauernden Eisenbahntransport soll den Pferden ein paar Tage Erholungspause gewährt werden - ehe sic der von ihnen geforderten Exploatation wieder unterzogen werden.Pozycja Open Access Aktualny stan flory i znaczenie osobliwości florystycznych dla różnorodności szaty roślinnej rezerwatu „Grądowe zbocza” koło Recza(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2011) Bacieczko, Wanda; Wołejko, Lesław; Katedra Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Katedra Dendrologii i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w SzczeciniePresent state and the evaluation of vascular flora of the nature reserve „Grądowe Zbocza” is presented. In this forest-type reserve, situated in the Recz commune (Western Pomerania) 216 species of vascular plants were found, including 34 protected, endangered and rare species. Newly found localities of interesting species include two neophytes: Scutellaria altissima and Phyteuma nigrum, which are extremely rare in northern Poland. The occurrence of the majority of ineresting species is associated with the forest communities Circaeo-Alnetum and different forms of Stellario-Carpinetum, which are also listed as valuable and protected Natura 2000 habitats.Pozycja Open Access Alleviating Effects of Ascorbic Acid on Lead Toxicity in Goji (Lycium barbarum L.) in Vitro(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2018) Krupa-Małkiewicz, Marcelina; Kruczek, Arleta; Pelc, Justyna; Smolik, Beata; Ochmian, Ireneusz; Department of Plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland; Department of Horticulture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland; Department of Horticulture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, PolandLead (Pb) is the most common heavy metal pollutant in the environment. The objective of the presented study was to investigate the ameliorative effect of exogenous 1 mM ASA on key growth and biochemical parameters in Lycium barbarum seedlings under heavy metal (Pb(NO3)2) stress in vitro. Nodal cutting with an axillaries bud were used as an explants. The results showed that lead accumulation in goji explants had negative influence on morphological parameters of plant growth, such as shoot and root length. Lead caused a significant reduction in chlorophylls and carotenoid content, increased lipid peroxidation and induced significant accumulation of proline in goji leaves. Addition to MS medium 1 mM ASA greatly alleviated Pb-induced growth inhibition and Pb-induced MDA and proline accumulation. Presence of ASA in the MS medium under heavy metal stress increased plant fresh and dry mass with no significant effect on plant water content.Pozycja Open Access Alport syndrome – a rare kidney disease of domestic dog Canis lupus familiaris(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Kania, Agata; Gruszczyńska, Joanna; Bartyzel, Bartłomiej J.; Grzegrzółka, Beata; Mikuła, Małgorzata; Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Warsaw University of Life Sciences; Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Warsaw University of Life Sciences; Department of Morphological Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences; Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Warsaw University of Life Sciences; Department of Morphological Sciences, Warsaw University of Life SciencesAlport syndrome is a rare, hereditary renal disease which is the result of a lack of one chain of type IV collagen (α3, α4, and α5). Type IV collagen is a basic structural component of the glomerular basement membrane. Alport syndrome has been reported in humans, mice and domestic dogs. Mutations in COL4A3 and COL4A4 genes are both of recessive and dominant type; however, the most common mutations in COLL4A5 gene are linked to X sex chromosome. These mutations render the synthesis of (α3, α4, α5) chain impossible, thus the resulting type IV collagen does not have its proper structure and filtration of plasma is impaired, leading to progressive renal insufficiency and failure. With the current state of medical knowledge the only therapy, delaying the pathological processes, is limited to dialysis and kidney transplantation. This paper presents information on symptoms of Alport syndrome, as well as genetic basis and molecular effects of mutations causing the disease. It also offers dog breeders some advice, based on the available literature, in order to facilitate making the right breeding decisions.Pozycja Open Access Alternative Use of Mare Milk(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2019) Romaniuk, Karolina; Majszyk-Świątek, Marta; Kryszak, Katarzyna; Danielewicz, Agata; Andraszek, Katarzyna; Department of Animal Genetics and Horse Breeding Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland; Department of Animal Genetics and Horse Breeding Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland; Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland; Department of Animal Genetics and Horse Breeding Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland; Department of Animal Genetics and Horse Breeding Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, PolandMare milk, compared to the milk of other animal species used for dairy purposes, is distinguished by a wealth of bioactive substances conferring health benefits. Mare milk positively affects the human immune system and digestive system. It is rich in nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the skin and protect its cells against oxidative stress. The aim of the survey was to investigate consumer awareness of the alternative use of mare milk. The survey was conducted among students from four fields of study (bioengineering of food, dietetics, agriculture, and animal husbandry) and people with no connection to agriculture. In total, responses were obtained from 200 people. Fifty-one per cent of respondents were unaware that horses are used for dairy purposes. Mare milk is most often (60% of respondents) associated only with food for foals. The respondents’ awareness of the chemical composition of milk was low (37%). The main food product made from mare milk that was familiar to the respondents (70%) was kumis.Pozycja Open Access Analiza kryteriów, służących do określania rejonizacji hodowli koni, i ich zastosowanie na przykładzie woj. kieleckiego(1963) Grabowski, Jan; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Szczegółowej Hodowli ZwierzątInfolge des Fortschreitens der Mechanisation der Landwirtschaft und des Transportes muss der Bestand an Pferden zahlenmässig begrenzt werden. Im Zusammenhang damit darf das Pferd nur in entsprechenden Verhältnissen gezüchtet werden, wozu aber eine, auf Grund von naturwissenschaftlichen, ökonomischen, psychoethnischen und statistischen Kriterien bearbeitete Rayonierung nötig ist. Von den naturwissenschaftlichen Kriterien sind der Boden, das Klima und die Pflanzenwelt wesentlich. Der mit Sitz engverbundene Boden hat eine prinzipielle Bedeutung. Das Klima in Polen (Kontinentalismus und Ozeanismus) beeinflusst hauptsächlich die Lokalisation, nicht aber die Möglichkeit der Pferdezucht. Pflanzenwelt-heisst- das Gedeihen von Weizen, Luzerne und Esparsette wie auch von edlem Gras auf Wiesen und Weiden. Eine Bedeutende Bewaldung - stellt das negative Kriterium für Pferdezucht dar. Von den ökonomischen Kriterien sind wichtig: sozialökonomische Struktur des Dorfes, Lokalisation der Produktion, Spezialisation in der Landwirtschaftlichen Produktion sowie die Dichte des Chausseen -u. Eisenbahnnetzes. Die Einwirkung auf die Pfer dezucht seitens der Hauptindustrie und der grossen städtischen Zentren ist negativ. Die psychoethnischen Kriterien sind bei Bildung der Pferdetypen von grosser Bedeutung. Die statistischen Kriterien ermöglichen eine zahlen mässige Bearbeitung und zugleich geben eine Orientierung über Intensität, Niveau und Richtung der Pferdezucht. Die oben angeführten Kriterien berücksichtigend, wurde bei Bestimmung der Pferdetypen und deren Rayonierung in der Woiwodschaft Kielce festgestellt dass: 1) an der Opatów-Sandomierz Anhöhe und im Nidafluss Becken das leichte Kielce-Pferd des Südosttypes, welches vom örtlichen gemeinen Pferd stammt und von den arabischen und den englischen Vollbluthengsten veredelt worden ist, ist der eigentliche Biotyp - der einen alten, von Jahrhunderten sich entwickelten Okotyp darstellt. Das schwere Schnellarbeitspferd, das auf der Basis des örtlichen gemeinen Pferdes entstand, stellt eine neue Abart dar und ist das Ergebnis der seit nicht langer Zeit angewendten Kreuzungen mit Kaltblüter. Die Nachkommenschaft dieser Kreuzungen wird in Hinsicht auf die für sie günstigen ökologischen Verhältnisse in der Mulde von Kozienice wahrscheinlich akklimatisiert und ihrer Biozönose angeschlossen. 2) das Gebiet der Woiwodschaft Kielce kann in drei Kreise mit folgenden Pferdetypen eingeteilt werden: I - des leichten Pferdes des SUdosttypes (Klein - polnischer), wo Überhaupt kein Einschlag des deutschen edlen Halbblutes und von dessen Abstammenden (Grosspolnischen u. Schlesischen), und auch des „Furioso" -u. „Przedświt" - Stammes, zulässig ist. II - des leichten Pferdes des Poznań - Types (jedoch mit bedeutend grosserem Einschlag von orientalischen Blut als bei dem Poznań - Type, wo Grosspolni— sehen Hengste eigentlich sind. III - desschweren Pferdes des Schnellarbeits-types, mit der Ardennen-Hasse als Verstärker. In diesen Kreisen sind Zucht-u. Nutzrayone abgesondert worden und such die Rayone, die für Pferdezucht ungeeignet sind. 3) die Biometrische Analyse des Pferdezuchttypen in der Woiwodschaft Kielce hatte folgende Ergebnisse: a) die leichten Kielce - Zuchtstuten und Zuchthengste des SUdosttypes sind kaum mittleren Widerristhuhe, mit mittelmässigem Brustumfang, nicht genug knochig, kurz und verhältnismassig breitrumpfig, gedrungen. Ihre Massivität steht unter Norm. Die Hengste sind grösser und knochiger als die Stuten,welche aber tiefer and massiver als die Ersterwähnten sind. Die Stabilisierung des Types der leichten Kielce - Hengste-u. Stuten ist genttgend ersichtlich. b) die schweren Kielce - Zuchthengste und Zuchtstuten des Schnellarbeitstypes sind: - mittlerer Grösse, mit sehr ansehnlichem Brustumfang und knochig. Ihre Massivität steht Uber der Norm. Die Hengste und Stuten sind beinahe gleicher Widerristhuhe. Bei Hengsten ist der Brustumfang grösser als bei den Stuten. Die Hengste sind auch knochiger als die Stuten.Pozycja Open Access Analiza możliwości prognozowania barwy polędwicy wołowej poddanej obróbce cieplnej, prowadzonej w piecu konwekcyjno-parowym, na podstawie składowych barwy mięsa surowego(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2012) Guzek, Dominika; Głąbska, Dominika; Wierzbicka, Agnieszka; Zakład Techniki w Żywieniu, Katedra Żywności Funkcjonalnej i Towaroznawstwa Wydział Nauk o Żywieniu Człowieka i Konsumpcji, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie; Zakład Dietetyki, Katedra Dietetyki, Wydział Nauk o Żywieniu Człowieka i Konsumpcji Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie; Zakład Techniki w Żywieniu, Katedra Żywności Funkcjonalnej i Towaroznawstwa Wydział Nauk o Żywieniu Człowieka i Konsumpcji, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w WarszawieThe aim of the research was to assess the possibilities of beef tenderloin colour prediction in RGB colour system, after thermal treatment conducted in steam-convection oven in constant conditions, on the basis of beef colour before thermal treatment, using the computer image analysis. It was observed, that G and B components of colour of beef tenderloin before thermal treatment were correlated with G and B components of browned surface of meat after treatment. In case of R component of colour of browned surface of meat and all components of colour of meat after thermal treatment, no correlation with colour of meat before treatment was observed. It may be concluded, that prediction of beef tenderloin colour after thermal treatment may be impossible, because it depends on degree of doneness (tenderloin rare, medium, well done), but prediction of colour of browned surface of meat seems to be a promising direction in researches.Pozycja Open Access Analiza obrazu występowania mątwika ziemniaczanego (heterodera rostochiensis woll.) w województwie szczecińskim(1964) Kisiel, M.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Fitopatologii i Ochrony RoślinThe Heterodera Rostochiensis Woll, is considered the most dangerous potato vermin. In the existent conditions in the Szczecin region the mentioned vermin may become a check to potato exports and to home marketing of seedlings as well. Investigations have shown that the vermin occurs everywhere in the Szczecin region with varied intensity. Most contaminated appear the northern and western districts. It was found that up to the year 1962 4237 farms (with 167 state) farms in the number) were contaminated on an area of 1407 ha. The proportion of contaminated area to the whole potato area made an average of 1,8 %.Pozycja Open Access Analiza składu chemicznego i wartości odżywczej białka zbóż pochodzących z gospodarstwa ekologicznego(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2009) Bobko, Kazimierz; Biel, Wioletta; Petryshak, Roman; Jaskowska, Izabela; Katedra Żywienia Zwierząt i Żywności, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Katedra Żywienia Zwierząt i Żywności, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Lwowska Państwowa Akademia Weterynarnej Medycyny im. S.Z. Gzhytskiego; Katedra Żywienia Zwierząt i Żywności, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w SzczecinieFive species of cereals from 2008 harvest of the ecology farm were examined. All cereals were characterised by a low dry matter content. Barley was characterised by the highest protein content (129.54 g . kg-1 d.m.) and maize – lowest (93.57 g . kg-1 d.m.). The maximum value of AA was observed in the grain of the rye and the triticale. The first amino acid limiting the nutritive value of protein in all cereals was lysine. The EAAI (WE) values was characterised from 52.43 to 64.44, and a higher value of EAAI (MH) were observed in the grain of all cereals.Pozycja Open Access Analiza zależności między poziomem marmurkowatości i zawartością tkanki łącznej w antrykocie a klasyfikacją umięśnienia i stopniem otłuszczenia tusz wołowych(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2013) Guzek, Dominika; Głąbska, Dominika; Pietras, Jacek; Plewa, Paweł; Wierzbicka, Agnieszka; Samodzielny Zakład Techniki w Żywieniu, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie; Katedra Dietetyki, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie; Samodzielny Zakład Techniki w Żywieniu, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie; Samodzielny Zakład Techniki w Żywieniu, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie; Samodzielny Zakład Techniki w Żywieniu, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w WarszawieTenderness of beef meat is for consumer the most important factor creating its quality. However, during retail, the visual features – colour, marbling, connective tissue quantity – are the most important. The higher marbling level is associated with higher tenderness, juiciness and palatability. Simultaneously, connective tissue is a factor creating hardness. The aim of the presented study was to analyse the relation of marbling and connective tissue quantity in cube roll with conformation and fat class of carcasses. The object of the study was 20 cube rolls from Limousine x Holstein-Friesian bulls. The cumulative effect of conformation class and fat class was not observed. In the „O” conformation class, for the highest of four analysed fat class, highest marbling level was observed.Pozycja Open Access Analysis and Comparision of the Frequency of Pathological Conditions and Lesions in Slaughtered Animals in Poland in 2009 and 2017(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2019) Górski, Krzysztof; Kondracki, Stanisław; Department of Animal Reproduction and Hygiene, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland; Department of Animal Reproduction and Hygiene, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, PolandThe aim of the study was to analyze and compare the frequency of symptoms and pathological conditions in slaughtered animals in 2009 and 2017, and to determine the reasons behind their presence. The results of official post-mortem assessment of cattle, pigs and sheep carried out by the Veterinary Inspection were analyzed. When analyzing the causes of lesions or pathological symptoms and unfitness for consumption, the following conditions have been included: tuberculosis, actinomycosis, as well as quality deviations: emaciation and watery muscles, icterus, organoleptic changes, incomplete loss of blood, natural death, slaughter in agony, foci of pus, contamination and congestions, as well as other changes and parasitic invasions: cysticercosis, echinococcosis, fasciolosis and trichinellosis. It was found that the number of slaughtered animals exhibiting health condition deviations or symptoms and pathological changes remains at a high level in Poland, and it even demonstrates a slight increase in case of cattle. A large number of contamination and congestions indicates low attention to the conditions of ante-mortem trading in terms of slaughtered animals, as well as to hygiene and conditions for slaughtering, cutting and carcass processing. Quality deviations in the form of emaciation and watery muscles or incomplete loss of blood in slaughtered animals indicate mistakes made during breeding or when transporting the slaughtered animals. Having considered the foregoing, there may be justified concerns about the appropriate level of animal welfare. Parasitic diseases, especially fasciolosis in cattle and sheep, and echinococcosis in pigs in some areas require more effective actions to reduce them. On the other hand, a very small number of cases of trichinellosis in pig meat can be considered satisfactory.Pozycja Open Access Analysis and Comparison of Meat Performance Parameters in Polish and French Limousine Bulls(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2022) Wiśniewski, Konrad; Kuczyńska, Beata; Przysucha, Tomasz; Department of Animal Breeding, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland. 2. Polish Association of Breeders and Producers of Beef Cattle, Warsaw, Poland; Department of Animal Breeding, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland; Department of Animal Breeding, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, PolandThe study covered bulls of the Limousine meat breed, whose parents were of Polish and French origin, kept on farms in Poland. This study aimed to assess whether individuals of Polish origin cover their genetic potential compared to bulls of French origin. These studies were carried out under the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Implementation Doctorate" DWD3 / 53/2019 in cooperation with the Polish Association of Beef Cattle Breeders and Producers in 2019-2022. The research material consisted of 925 bulls, 447 by French father and 478 by Polish father. Among breeders of Polish origin, special attention was paid to the fact that parents of French origin did not appear in the pedigrees in the previous two generations. The following factors were taken into account in the comparative analysis: the country of origin of the bull's father, the country of origin of the bull's mother, body weight after calving (kg), body weight at 210 and 420 days of life (kg) and gains (g) in this period, standardized weight in 210 and 420 days (kg), as well as the height at withers (cm), chest circumference (cm), ultrasound measurement of the longest back muscle (cm3), muscle index, development index, collective evaluation index, calibre, muscle and bone share, functional features and state. The individual calendar months were taken into account as the calving period. Statistical analysis was performed by multivariate ANOVA using SPSS.23 software. A significant influence of the father's origin on the vital parameters of bulls was shown. After the birth of a Polish father, the mean body weight of bulls was 39.08 kg and was lower by 0.95 kg (p ≥ 0.01) than males of French origin. Bodyweight, daily gains, standardized body weight in the 210th and 420th day of life, height at the withers, chest circumference, ultrasound measurement of the longest back muscle, meatiness index, development index, and aggregate evaluation index spoke in favour of bulls of French origin. However, there were no significant differences in maternal origin, size, muscle and bone proportion, functional components, and condition.Pozycja Open Access Analysis of changes in water management light soil following application of different tillage systems and forecrops(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2017) Schiller, Marta; Podsiadło, Cezary; Stankowski, Sławomir; Pużyński, Stanisław; Michalska, Bożena; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin,; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin,; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin,; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin,; Department of Meteorology and Shaping Landscape Architecture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe study was conducted in a static experiment established in 1993 in the Agricultural Experimental Station in Lipnik (near Stargard Szczeciński). Bi-factorial field experiment was set up in the perpendicular bands pattern of randomized sub-blocks in four replicates. Studied factor consisted of the farming systems used for winter wheat after different forecrops (faba beans, sugar beet). Analysed physical properties, shaping water management in light soil, changed depending on the previous crop grown and the amount of rainfall in the growing season. In years with larger rainfall deficits, the soil in the position after faba bean was characterized by a higher density, current humidity, and non-capillary porosity. It referred to the aeration porosity in the position after sugar beet. During years with less rainfall deficiency, the bulk density was increased after sugar beet, while non-capillary porosity decreased after faba bean. Giving up the plowing sowing for the benefit of plowless system or direct sowing modifies some physical properties of topsoils. There was an increase in bulk density and non-capillary porosity. Higher values of bulk density of the soil, listed on the objects, where the applied technologies without plowing, especially on light soils may promote the growth and development of plants commodities, including winter wheat.Pozycja Open Access Analysis of Equine Behavior Patern of Recreational and Sport Horses Under Saddle Utilization(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2019) Cieśla, Angelika; Pluta, Michał; Kostrzewska, Emilia; Laboratory of Horse Breeding and Animal Assisted Therapy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland; Department of Horse Breeding and Use, University of Life Science in Lublin, Poland; Laboratory of Horse Breeding and Animal Assisted Therapy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, PolandThe aim of the study was to analyze the behavior of recreational and sport horses in three different seasons of their riding use. The observations included 15 geldings and mares, in that 9 horses used for recreation and 6 sport horses used in jumping over an obstacle (L-C class). The horses were managed in the same environmental conditions, in the same riding center. The observations of horse behavioral responses were carried out three times, i.e. observation I – before the summer season, observation II – during the holiday time, observation III – beyond the summer season which is the period of the lowest workload of horses used for leisure (December). Horse behavior pattern was assessed towards mounting a horse by a rider, tighten the girth as well as aids-related responses, reaction to bending and finally, jumping over an obstacle. Besides, the behavior of horses used for recreational activities was evaluated when a rider was working the horse on the lunge line. The equine behavior pattern was assessed on the scale of 1 to 3 points, when 1 pt meant the undesirable, negative refusal to perform a task, aggressive tendencies, 2 pt – accteptable reaction, small signs of disobedience or anxiety, pinned back ears, wagging tail showing irritation, delayed reaction to the aids etc., whereas 3 pts desirable behavior, willing to execute tasks, displaying full acceptance of aids, etc. It was found that sport horses showed better behavior in the range of the parameters evaluated. The horses used for recreation purposes earned significantly lower scores for the behavior at the extended working time, that is during the holiday season when average working time length was 3.58 h/day. There was observed a significant correlation between the working time of horses used for leisure in the summer period and the behavior scores. The worse scores obtained by the leisure horses were most probably the effect of carrying a higher number of riders of different skills levels and the extended working time.Pozycja Open Access Analysis of equine feeding systems in selected equestrian centers and stables(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2017) Janocha, Alina; Kryszak, Katarzyna; Różewicz, Marcin; Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities; Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities; Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and HumanitiesThe aim of the study was to study the expertise and awareness of Polish horse owners in terms of equine nutrition and prevention of gastrointestinal tract problems, as well as to overview the applied feeds. Knowledge on the structure and functioning of equine digestive system and digestion processes is essential if we want to plan good nutrition schemes, especially for sport horses. Having a profound knowledge on horse feeding and nutrition, the owner may avoid many problems with the horse’s fitness and reduce the risk of digestive disorders. Horses are animals that basically feed on pasture. However, the work they perform for humans, which is associated with intense physical activity, requires additional energy and nutrients. Most difficult is the nutrition of performance horses, which requires proper determination of energy needs at the given level of training load, as well as adequate mineral-vitamin supplementation that will meet the needs of the horse. The entire consistent nutrition system should be treated with utmost care and consideration, since it is the key factor influencing the health status of the horse.Pozycja Open Access Analysis of Fish Species Composition in Miazga – A Stream Blocked with a Small Dam Reservoir (Pilica River Basin, Central Poland)(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2018) Dąbrowski, Jarosław; Więcaszek, Beata; Department of Hydrobiology, Ichthyology and Biotechnology of Breeding, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland; Department of Ecology and Vertebrate Zoology, University of Lodz, PolandA study of fish species composition was performed in the stream Miazga, blocked with a dam without a fish ladder, located in the Pilica river basin. Three sites above and two below the reservoir were selected. The presence of 13 species of fish and one species of lamprey in larval stage was found. The most abundant species were perch Perca fluviatilis, gudgeon Gobio gobio and Prussian carp Carassius gibelio. The presence of three new species of fish was noted: common brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus, eel Anguilla anguilla and orfe Leuciscus idus. The analysis of species evenness indicated that the number of species and their abundance at all research sites were close to maximum. Relatively low value of the dominance index indicated that the examined fish assemblages were not strongly dominated by a single species, which was confirmed by the diversity index. The differences in the composition of the fish fauna at sites above and below the dam reservoir were not sufficiently pronounced in the cluster analysis, however from the historical point of view, the structure of fish assemblage in the stream has changed. Shift in the fish assemblage composition may be affected to the pollution of the stream, stocking activities and escaping from the fish farms.Pozycja Open Access Analysis of fluoride, dry matter contents and pH in sediments and surface water of Nowogardzkie lake(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Szydłowski, Kamil; Stręk, Michał; Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Development, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe aim of study was to determine the impact of adjacent terrain usage on the fluoride content in sediments and others important ecological indicators. All of results applies to bottom sediments and surface water from Nowogardzkie Lake. The lake is partly within the Nowogard agglomeration and partly within farmlands. The total number of collected samples was 19 from sediments and 5 from surface water. The all samples were collected in January 2016. Higher concentrations of fluoride and organic matter content were recorded in agricultural adjacent area and pH of sediments was higher in city area. There was correlation between fluoride content in sediments and organic matter content. There was also negative correlation betwen pH in sediments and organic matter content.Pozycja Open Access Analysis of influence farming systems on chemical composition of four variety of triticale winter (xTriticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus) grain(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Gibczyńska, Marzena; Dawidowski, Andrzej; Sobolewska, Magdalena; Jaroszewska, Anna; Lewandowska, Leokadia; Department of General and Ecological Chemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne „Police” SA, Police; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of General and Ecological Chemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe aim of the study carried out on the basis of a field experiment was to compare results obtained during cultivation of winter triticale in the organic and conventional farming systems. Comparing these two systems (organic with conventional), changes in the content of macroelements (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium), and microelements (manganese, iron, zinc and copper) were analyzed in the triticale grain. The study involved four triticale varieties: Benetto, Cultivo, Grenado, and Moderato. The field experiment was performed in 2010–2011 at The National Research Institute for Fisheries Affairs Mecklenburg – Vorpommern in Gulzow, Germany. Grain of all triticale varieties grown in an organic systems contained more phosphorus and magnesium. Compared tillage systems did not differentiate calcium and potassium in grain of triticale Benetto, Cultivo, Grenado, and Moderato varieties. No relationship was found between the total content of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium vs. cultivars. The total potassium content in triticale grain was differentiated by the varietal factor. The triticale grain of all tested varieties (Benetto, Cultivo, Grenado, and Moderato) grown in organic system was characterized by higher – by ten or so per cents – iron, zinc, manganese, and copper contents as compared to the conventional systems.Pozycja Open Access Analysis of macronutrients content in winter wheat grain of spelt type (Triticum aestivum ssp spelta L.) depending on crop protection, seeding standards and variety(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2017) Gawęda, Dorota; Haliniarz, Małgorzata; Hury, Grzegorz; Gibczyńska, Marzena; Department of Herbology and Plant Cultivation Techniques, University of Life Sciences in Lublin; Department of Herbology and Plant Cultivation Techniques, University of Life Sciences in Lublin; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Chemistry, Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of crop protection and seeding ratio on the contents of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium) in grain of two spelt cultivars: Polish ‘Rokosz’ and German ‘Schwabenspelz’. The field experiment was conducted in Czesławice in 2014–2015 on lessive soil developed from loess classified as good wheat complex and II bonitation class, slightly acidic. The plowing layer of the soil was characterized by a high content of available forms of phosphorus, potassium and average magnesium. Material for analysis consisted of winter spelt grain. The first experimental factor: winter spelt varieties; second factor: two seeding ratios; third factor: crop protection. The harvest was performed at full grain maturity stage. Content of three basic macronutrients in spelt grain: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, was varied for cultivars. Meanwhile two cultivars did not differ with the amount of magnesium and calcium in grain. ‘Schwabenspelz’ was more abundant than ‘Rokosz’ regarding to studied macronutrients. The increase of plant density resulted in significant reduction in the nitrogen content and increase in the amount of phosphorus in winter spelt grain. The amount of plant density did not affect the abundance of spelt grain in relation to metals included in macronutrients occurring at plants. The crop protection treatments of winter spelt did not impact on the macronutrients content in grain.