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Pozycja Open Access Charakterystyka ważniejszych elementów klimatycznych powiatu szczecińskiego(1958) Prawdzic, Krzysztof; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Meteorologii RolniczejAuthor makes a thorough analysis of climatic elements prevalent at the Szczecin’s District area on the basis of meteorologic statistical data based as well on German observations available from a long period as well as on after-war observations from the period 1949—1956 followed at the three meteorological PIHM Stations, each one of those Stations presenting the climatic conditions of a different area. First of all the data characterizing the thermal and humidity relations prevalent in the District area were thorougly worked out as being of main concern with regard to climate ąnd agriculture. Data in figures, in form of average and extreme values for particular months, years and the growing season May — July were ranged into maps in order to show the regional climatic discrepancies existing between the different areas of the District. A special concern was given as to discussing those of the climatic elements having a prejudicial influence on the growing season such as: slight spring and autumn Frost-Days, whereas frost of the near the ground layers of air was also taken into account, and further such elements as great daily amplitudes, frequent variations of precipitations, dryness periods, heavy winds, storms and hail. It results from the analysis of the meteorological data that the areas of Międzyodrze are characterized by the greatest frequency of occurrence of said elements. This will indicate the climatic deficiencies of those areas in comparison with the areas in their vicinity. In turn, in the areas of Międzyodrze more favourable thermal elements are prevalent, having a bearing on the hastening of the growing process as well as on the protraction of the growing season in comparison with the higher located areas in the vicinity. The analysis of the precipitation data shows that the quantity and frequency of the precipitation depends mostly upon the hipsometry of the area. In connexion with this, it should be emphasized that the highest areas of the Warszewo Hills are characterized by the most propitious conditions with regard to those elements. The distribution of the spatial location of the main agroclimatic elements in the whole District area has been illustrated by 7 climatic maps. From the graphs of the particular isochrones plotted on this maps it can be seen that on a relatively small District area there were great climatic discrepancies stated and in connexion with it a pronounced difference in the growing conditions of the different plants has been appearing.Pozycja Open Access Wpływ temperatury otoczenia na rozkład materiałów roślinnych(1958) Sławiński, Janusz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Chemii RolnejAls Ziel der Arbeit galt es den Einfluss der Umwelttemperatur auf den Zersetzungsprozess der Pflanzenstoffe in möglichst gleichen Aerationsverhältnissen zu untersuchen. Die Versuche wurden folgendermassen ausgeführt: ein 1 cm langes Roggenstroh mit Beigabe verschiedener Stickstoffzutaten würde der Zersetzung in Thermosflaschen bei einer Umwelttemperatur von 6°, 32°, 50° und 70°C ausgesetzt. Jeden Tag wurden die Innentemperaturen in den Thermosflaschen, sowie die Umwelttemperatur gemessen. Nach Beendingung der Versuche wurden chemische Analysen des zersetzten Strohs ünternommen. Auf Grund der erzielten Ergebnisse erweist sich, dass bei niedrigen Umwelttemperaturen die Zersetzung auf biologischen Wege, bei höheren (50° und 70°C) auf physisch-chemischen. Die Umwelttemperatur, bei der in den Verhältnissen unserer Versuche d. h. bei beschränktem Luftzutritt die Zersetzung der Pflanzenstoffe am intensivsten erfolgt (höchster Temperatur und gröster Verlüst an Trockenmasse) und bei der gleichzeitig der geringste Verlust an Gesamtstickstoff eintritt, ist die Umwelttemperatur von 32°C, wobei die Temperatur der sich zersetzenden Masse auf 45°—50°C ansteigt. Indem der Anstieg der Umwelttemperatur eine Intensifizierung der Oxydo — reduzierenden Prozesse veranlasst, schafft er gleichzeitig einen höheren Bedarf an Sauerstoff. Dies hat eine Reduzierung der Nitrate, hauptsächlich auf chemischen Wege, zur Folge, was wieder zur Versäuerung der Reaktion der Umwelt und zum Anstieg von Verlusten an Gesamtstiekstoff führt. Es ist möglich, dass bei höheren Temperaturen auch eine hydrolytische Zersetzung der Kohlenhydrate erfolgt, was eine zusätzliche Senkung von pH verursachen, würde. Bei hohen Temperaturen vermehrt sich die Anzahl der reduzierenden Substanzen, da die Aufbauprozesse der organischen Stoffe in diesen Verhältnissen zur Entstehung einfacher Oxydierungsprodukten (CO2 und H2O) nicht zulassen. Die Anzahl von Fäulnissnbstanzen geht im allgemeinen bei Temperaturanstieg nicht zurück.Pozycja Open Access Szczątki kostne bydła z wczesnośredniowiecznego Wolina(1958) Kubasiewicz, Marian; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Anatomii ZwierzątDie Arbeit ist ein Teil einer eingehenden Beschreibung des Knochenmaterials aus der frühmittelalterlichen Siedlung Wolin — Vorstadt (Woj. Szczecin), welches von Ausgrabungen aus dem Jahre 1952 herrührt. Das Material stammt aus 11 Schichten, die auf den Zeitraum von dem Anfang des X bis Ende des XIII Jhdt. n. Ch. G. entfallen. Das gesamte untersuchte Material der tierischen Knochenüberreste umfasst 4378 Knochen und Knochenfragmente, wovon auf Rindüberreste 766 Stück entfallen. Es sind dies meist zerbrochene Knochen, die typische Küchenabfälle darstellen. An einer kleinen Anzahl von besser erhaltenen Knochen, die sich zur Osteo metrie eigneten, wurden Messuntersuchungen durchgeführt. Messungen wurden folgende Knochen und Fragmente unterzogen: Hornzapfen, Unterkiefer, Schulterblätter, Oberarmbeine, Speichen, Ellen, Mittelhand-, und Mittelfussknochen, Oberschenkel-, Schien-, Fersen-, und Sprungbeine. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchungen wurde festgestellt, dass diese Überreste grösstenteils kleinen Individuen angehören, die vom kurzhornigen Rind (Bos taurus brachyceros) stammen. An manchen wurde eine Beimischung von Rassen mit kräftigerem Wuchs, somit vom Ur abstammend festgestellt.Pozycja Open Access Rzut oka na wyniki badań nad mikotrofizmem zespołów roślinnych Tatr(1958) Dominik, Tadeusz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ochrony RoślinIn dieser kleinen Publikation fast der Verfasser alle Untersuchungsergebnisse über den Mykotrophismus der Planzengesellschaften der Hohen Tatra-Gebirge zusammen. Zu dieser Analyse ist neue Systematik der Mykorrhizen benutzt. Die ganze Arbeit ist eine Zusammenfassung der Folgerungen und den Zusammenbindungen zwischen diesen Folgerungen, darum kann sie nicht anders als im Ganzen in die fremde Sprache übersetzt werden. Die Orginalarbeiten, welche zu dieser Synthese gedient haben, sind im Litteraturverzeichniss beigefügt. Solche zusammenfassende Analyse der Resultates hat ein neues Licht auf die Mykotrophie der Planzenassoziazionen und gleichfalls auf die Baum-Arten-Mykotrophismus geworfen.Pozycja Open Access Wpływ opadów na wartość produkcyjną obornika(1958) Niklewski, Marian; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Chemii RolnejAuf Grund zahlreicher Feldversuche kann festgestellt werden, dass unter den klimatischen Verhältnissen Polens die Regenmenge des Monats Juni von entscheidender Bedeutung für den Produktionswert des Stallmistes ist. Die trockenen Bedingungen der Wojewodschaft Poznań reifen einen sehr niedrigen Produktionswert des Stallmistes hervor (etwa 30°/o des Produktionswertes in der Wojewodschaft Warszawa). Um in den trockenen Gebieten einen möglichst hohen Produktionswert des Stallmistes zu erzielen ist es empfehlenswert: 1. höhere Stallmistgaben, etwa 300-400 Dz/ha zu verwenden, 2. bei Verwendung des Stallmistes in niedrigen Gaben, ihn in die Furche zu legen und nicht etwa auf die ganze Feldfläche zu streuen, 3. einen Stallmist in hohen Zersetzungegrade zu verwenden. Der Zersetzungsprozess des Stallmistes verläuft in zwei Phasen: die erste Phase ist die Einweissynthese der Bakterienleiber, die zweite Phase beruht auf den Abbauprozessen der in der ersten Phase synthetisierten Produkte. Der Produktionswert des Stallmistes hängt eng mit Synchronisierung des Abbauprozessen der organischen Substanz mit der höchsten Nährstoffaufnahme der Pflanze zusammen. Das Wasser bildet die Grundlage für den Abbauprozess in den hydrolisierten Spaltungen die Hauptrolle bilden, sowie die Grundlage für die Nährstoffaufnahme. Daher kann man unter günstigen Vehältnissen den höchsten Produktionswert des Stallmistes erzielen. Unter den Trockenheitsverhältnissen des ZSSR sind bekanntlich die Produktionswerte einer Stallmistdüngung niedrig. Es finden dabei die synthetischen Prozesse einer Humusakumulation in umfangreichen Maasstab statt.Pozycja Open Access Gleby wysoczyzn i wzniesień okolic Szczecina(1958) Borowiec, Saturnin; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra GleboznawstwaDie vorliegende Arbeit umfasst die Ergebnisse von Gelände — und Laboruntersuchungen von landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden der Hochfläche und Anhohen in der Gegend von Szczecin, die in den Jahren 1955 u. 1956 ausgeführt wurden. In Betracht gezogen wurde auch eine ganze Reihe von bodenbildenden Faktoren, die einen Einfluss auf die Gestaltung von Böden im obigen Gelände haben, wie Klima, Gelände-Konfiguration, geologischer Bau, Muttergestein und Pflanzenwelt. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Untersuchungen erlauben eine Aussonderung von Bodenarten und — typen die aus unterschiedlichem Gestein unter Einfluss von veschiedenen dominierenden Faktoren enstanden sind. Die räumliche Placierung der einzelnen Bodentypen u. Bodenarten zeigt die dieser Arbeit beigefügte Boden-Karte der Umbebung von Szczecin. Die Ergebnisse der chemischen und mechanischen Analyse, sowie der Sorptionseigenschaften der einzelnen Boden-Typen und Arten sind aus den beigefügten Tafeln ersichlich. Die grösste Fläche im obigen Gebiet nehmen die braunen Böden ein. Die Umformung dieses Bodens zum braunen Boden und seine Verharung in diesem Stadium steht im Zusammenhang mit dem Auftreten einer Reihe von Faktoren, die der Möglichkeit eines Aufkommens von Laugung — und Bleichprozessen entgegenwirken. Zu diesen Faktoren gehören: a) reichlicher Vorrat an СаСОз im Geschiebelehm und geringe Durchlässigkeit des Septarientons, b) Reliefdifferenzierung, c) verhältnismässig geringe Niederschläge, d) Jugendalter dieser Böden, e) Fehlen einer Pflanzendecke von Nadelbäumen im geschichtlichen Zeitraum, f) seit langer Zeit andauernde landwirtschaftliche Nutzung, welche besonders intensiv seit der zweiten Hälfte des XIX Jahrunderts betrieben wurde. Der Nutzungswert dieser Böden ist in hohem Mass von der Art des Muttergesteins abhängig. Den höchsten Nutzungswert stellen die aus Geschiebelehm entstandenen Böden der (Klasse II—III), besonders die Schwarzerde. Den geringsten Wert besitzen Böden, die aus Septarienton entstanden sind (Klasse III—IV). Von mittlerem Wert sind die Böden, die sich aus dem auf dem Septarienton gelegenen Geschiebelehm entwickelt haben. Bleichböden treten in solchen Verhältnissen auf, die eine absteigende Wasserbewegung ermöglichen, somit umfassen sie fast alle Sandböden der untersuchten Fläche sowie die aus dem Geschiebelehm in mehr flachen Gelände entsstandenen Böden. Die Bodenreaktion und der Basen-Sättigungsgrad der aus Geschiebelehm enstandenen Bleichböden weist darauf hin, dass sie sich im Entbleichungsstadium befinden. Sie besitzen noch eine Reihe von nachteiligen Eigenschaften, die entweder die Folgen des Bleichprozessen z B. Verarmung des Bleichhorizontes A2 in Aufnehmbare P2O5 und K2O, oder die der extensiven Wirtschaft, wie z B. niedriger Humusgehalt (ca. 1%), Bildung von Pflugsohle u.s.w. sind. Diese Böden gehören meistens der IV-ten Klasse, dagegen die, welche aus dem schwach lehmigen Geschiebesand entstanden sind, der V-ten Klasse an. Aus dem oben gesagten ist ersichtlich, dass die Mehrheit der Böden auf dem untersuchten Gebiet eine beträchtliche potentielle Produktivität besitzt, deren Ausnutzung und Steigerung von der wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit des Menschen abhängig ist. Die Erhaltung der Produktivität dieser Böden, beziehungsweise ihre Steigerung ist in erster Linie von einer entsprechenden Bewirtschaftung abhängig, und zwar von der Anwendung organischer und mineralischer Düngung, sowie der richtigen Bodenbearbeitung und letztens von den den einzelnen Bodenarten entsprechenden Fruchtfolgen.Pozycja Open Access Drgania normalne i energia potencjalna cząsteczki kwasu mrówkowego(1959) Rytel, Marek; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra FizykiWilmshurst gave, on the basis of a quite convincing comparative argumentation, a somewhat different assignement of normal frequency vibration than did Sverdlov on the basis of normal coordinate treatment. Since the vibrations at issue are having close frequencies, and Sverdlov’s calculations did not seem to be quite accurate, the calculations have been repeated. (By the Eliashewich method; the secular equations were being solved on an analog type electric computer). Exact values of force constants as well as the normal mode have been cumulated. The results obtained do confirm the earlier Sverdlov assignement.Pozycja Open Access Wstępne badania nad działaniem drenowania kreciego kretowania uprawnego oraz pogłębiacza i orki głębokiej na madzie ciężkiej Żuław Wiślanych(1959) Laskowski, S.; Fenglerowa, W.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ogólnej Uprawy Roli i Roślin; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Zakład Doświadczalny Stare PoleThe main purpose of the work undertaken was to find an, as universal as possible, explanation of the effect of mean and deep tillage, mole tillage and mole draining on plant yielding, within a crop rotation. All these operations are executed on heavy mean-glacy middle aluvial soils. Tho influence of these kinds of ploughing on microbiological conditions of heavy mades is represented in diagram 2. It was stated that the effects of mean (28— 30 cm) and deep tillage (30—35 cm) within a crop rotation are very similar. As compared with shallow tillage (20—23 cm) the above mentioned operations, contribute to a crop increase in the first and second year, after they have been applied. In the third year the application of these tillages did not show any advantageous effects and on the contrary has caused a decrease of crop yielding. Among all tractors being at present in use a Famo Boxer, DT-54 and Fiat 55L, can only be applied for mean deep tillage executed with a 3-furrow plough and provided with the fore-shares. The application of a share-shaped subsoiler does not always increase the crop yielding within a crop rotation. The subsoiler applied in shallow tillage causes in the first year a rise of crops similar to that obtained by mean deep ploughing. In the second year alter its application a distinctly lower effect has been observed as compared with that of mean deep tillage. Hence it can be supposed that the effects resulting of subsoiler application in shallow tillage are of a shorter duration than of those mean deep tillage. At the same time the power required for shallow tillage with a subsoiler is much higher as compared with the one required for mean deep tillage. Mole cultivation executed in case of a deep tillage by means of a suboiler of Stare Pole Works construction (Fig. 1) creates in a particular depth some advantageous conditions for microflora and microfauna and at the same time renders possible the development and growth of the roots in crop rotation. The results of our investigation have shown that mole tillage exerts a significant effect on the growth of sugar beet crop, regardless, whether this operation was applied directly (Table 6) or resulted as a successiveness (table 7). No advantageous influence of mole tillage as well as of others special cultivations was observed on potato crop. On the basis of an analysis carried out on the effect of mole draining on the development of soil microflora it can be stated that this operation results above all in microflorp growth in the uppersoil layer (table 11 and 12). Mole draining executed at a depth of 55—60 cm. and at a distance among individual drainage courses of 1,5 cm. exerts within a crop rotation an advantageous effect as an agrotechnical operation. In such a case it can be replaced with succes by mole cultivation which is found to be a much cheaper operation and gives similar effect if compared with the former (tables 5, 6 and 7). The influence of mole draining as well as mole tillage on microflora was expressed in the first year after its application by ;a raise of the quantity of bacteria (general quantity and asotobacter) and by a distinct increase of their activity i. e. fall of relative quantity of bacteria spores. Above all the effect of mole draining on micro flora was evident in deeper layers of the soil 25—30 cm). In the second and even third year after the above mentioned operation has been performed, the reaction of microflora was also disclosed in the upperlayers of the soil, but not as distincly as it was stated for the deeper ones. In the deeper layers of soil, not only the growth of general quantity of bacteria and azotobacters was stated, but also a certain intensification of nitrification processes was noticed, if compared with deep tillage. It is necessary to stress that on experimnetial fields where mole draining and mole cultivation was performed a greater activity of nitrification processes in deeper soil layers (25—30 cm) was stated as compared with the ones where only a simple tillage took place. At the end of the work it is necessary to conclude that in a crop rotation~the results of a complex effect of special cultivations depend not only on plants but also on water deficiency established in relation to the optimal water demand of various plant species in their critical period. The higher level of agrotechnic resulting from the application of special cultivations is the better expressed the greater are water deficiency in small critical periods. The development and microflora activity, especially in surface layer of the soil, depends more on average precipitations than on application of special cultivations. Lack of precipitations has restricted significantly the microbiological dynamic of soil and in connection with it has augmented the bacteria transformation from active forms into spores (table 5).Pozycja Open Access Gleby i roślinność zielonych użytków doliny dolnej Odry. Szkic przyrodniczo-gospodarczy(1959) Borowiec, Saturnin; Kwarta, Czesław; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Gleboznawstwa; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Uprawy Łąk i PastwiskSoils and Flora in the Lower Oder Valley. This study contains the results of preliminary investigations concsrning the bog soils in the lower Oder valley, and its flora. In the course of laboratory and terrain investigations, the following sub-types of bog soils were determined, and characterized generally: 1) Peaty soils, 2) Silty-peaty soils, 3) Silty bog soils, 4) Mursh soils. These soils, with the exception of the mursh soils, are excessively moist because of their deep location — (most of them 0.3 m. below the sea level). Because of the large area they occupy, the peaty soils, and silty-peaty soils are of the greatest economical importance. In deciding on any economical steps especially after having settled the water conditions, the specific feature of these soils in view of their physical and chemical properties, response to fertilization, and their suitability as grazing land must be taken into account. The state of plant in this area did not change essentially as compared with that of fifty or thirty years ago. At present the following more important plant communities have been noted in the plant cover of the Lower Oder valley: 1) Plant Community of the type of: High sedges, 2) „ „ „ „ „ „ Reed sweet grass, 3) „ „ „ „ „ „ Meadow foxtail, 4) „ „ „ „ „ „ Chevings’s fescue, Meadow soft grass and Bird grass, 5) „ „ „ „ „ „ Manna grass, 6) „ „ „ „ „ „ Reed canary grass. The greatest economical importance represent the plant communities of the high sedges type, and the reed sweet grass communities which mainly cover the investigated area. It is the excessive moisture, and lack of any water movement even its stagnancy, that condition their occurrence. Plant communities of high sedges occur mainly on peaty soils. Plant communities of reed sweet grass occupy mainly silty-peaty soils. This is a general regularity which does not apply to smaller portions of meadows. These plant communities have a low forage value. The flora here, is exuberant what may be a further evidence of the potential fertility of the habitat. The analysis of plant and soil conditions indicates the necessity of settling the water conditions, what in turn might improve the qualitative composition of the flora itself. The character of the nature of the region would predespose it for maintaining meadows of the -liable to inundation-type. On some parts of the meadows, in more favourable water conditions, on siltypeaty soils there are possibilities of developing pasture husbandry.Pozycja Open Access Zmiany anatomiczne i cytologiczne wywołane przez Myzus ribis L. w liściach porzeczek (ribes) i próby powiązania ich ze zbiorem owoców(1959) Sienicka, Antonina; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra BotanikiIt was the purpose of this study to give the anatomical and cytological analysis of currant leaves (Ribes) on which galls developed as consequence of Myzus ribis L. parasiting on them. The following varieties of currants have been investigated: Ribes Koehneamum Janczewski ('multif. x vulgare), Ribes Maximovichii Batalin, Ribes petraeum Wulf. var. atropurpureum C. A. Meyer, Ribes petraeum Wulf. var. bullatum Otto et Dietrich, Ribes petraeum Wulf. var. caucasicum Bieberstein, Ribes rubrum L. The investigations have been carried out both on live material and fixated in 70°/o alcohol, in Navaschin fluid, land on herbarium material. The deformations of leaves of the examined varieties of currants can be divided into three groups. We shall have the first grade deformation, where the leaf lamen is wrinkled. In these leaves no important anatomical changes are noticed. The leaves have normally formed guard-cells. The leaves on which vesicles develop, i-md in the cells anthocyanins are produced, and on the surface of epidermis multicellular filaments with fine cellular pellicle grow, we use to call deformations of the second gnade. These filaments (head-shaped) are formed by partition of one cell of the epider mis as can be seen in drawings 1—5. In young filament a zone of flat cells aajusing the growth of hair, can be distinguished (Drwg. 6). Leaves in the third grade of deformation have large vesicles spreading over the whole leaf lamen. The anatomical changes of these leaves are considerable. On the surface of the epidermis there arise structures with heavily thickened and corkyfied pellicles, that is to say big head-shaped small filaments (Drs. 13, 14, 15) and warts and emergencies of various types. Multi-headed bandy-formed filaments develop out of the common head-shaped ones, by partition of the apex (at some stage of evolution) into two or several parts. (Which oan be seen in the accompanying drawings). Sometimes there is no complete partition of the apex in the broad bandy-formed filament; the cells divide in perpendicular plane only (vertical to the width of filament) which causes the forming of a wide and short structure with some coalesced heads (Drwg. 15). There very often occur wart-like structures on the epidermis of the leaf. (Drs. 16—19) which arising initially laut of the cells of the epidermis, afterwards transform into large cupola-like emergencies. The pellicles of all the above described structures thicken and corkyfy. The leaf becomes thick, rigid, the guard-cells disappear, therefore access of light an exchange of gases is rendered more difficult. The epidermal cells, when stung by paraciting plantlice, become corky. The adjacent cells divide intensively, giving rise to a complex of large thin-walled cells. (Drwg. 23). Outside these cells there begin to form small cells, thick-walled, which eventually surround the above mentioned thin-walled cells together with the stung place, isolating them from the remaining part of the leaf (Drwg. 24) as it is the case in organ galls. This would confirm my assumption, previously raised (in my study 1950) that there is no essential difference between organ galls and tissue galls, and that this classification is purely a question of convention. Anatomical changes can also be seen in the deeper layers of the leaf. The assimilating pulp recedes gradually to the central portions of the leaf, and its place is beeing filled by Cytological changes can be observed in the growing cells, producing filaments. The cells of the head of filament have large cores; in them the core substance produces irregular, strongly dyeing in haematoxylin accumulations. Cytoplasm is spread equally in the cell. Great changes occur during the partition of the core and the cells. The mechanical filaments, occurring on sound leaves in the form of 1—2 cellular bristles, become under the influence of the Myzus ribi, long filaments sometimes consisting of several cells. The cells divide in an unusual, specific way. The core is being fragmented directly, splitting into several unequal parts, or it elongates excessively, producing ia bead-like structure, then the buds separate giving a multicore cell. Simultaneously, on the cellular pellicle in the inside direction of the cell there arise excrescences which, when growing, divide the cell into several smaller ones, with one or several cores. The pellicle excrescences may arise on one side only, or on either opposite side of the cell. In drawing 20, the stages of that interesting partition may be closely followed. In view of such great anatomical changes regarding the assimilating apparatus, a test has been carried out to ascertain whether or not the quantitative yield of fruit might be connected with the presence of Myzus ribis. Observations referring to this question have been dealt with in the second part of this study. The test has been carried out on twenty shrubs of Ribes rubrum fructu rubro. Ten of the shrubs were beeing treated as control shrubs. Galls have not been allowed to develop on them. Each control shrub had an equivalent and possibly similar shrub, growing on another site, and intended for observations on the quantitative changes of fruit bearing under the influence of galls. The observations have been carried out in the time from autumn 1954, till autumn 1956. Cultivating and disinfecting operations were alike for control plants as well as those intended for experimenting. The accompanying table shows the results of the observations. This test shows that the decrease in fruit yield seems to be in connection with third grade leaf deformations where guard-cells disappear, thick-walled cells develop under the epidermis layer, and on the epidermis corkyfied structures of various kind arise, what renders more difficult the access of sun rays and impedes transpiration. In view of this less assimilates are being produced as compared with plants where galls are not present, their inflow to produced fruits being insufficient, a large part of them does not mature and this in turn reduces the yield.Pozycja Open Access Wpływ warunków uprawy na plon ziemniaków i ich wartość reprodukcyjną : uwagi wstępne i przegląd literatury(1959) Songin, Włodzimierz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy RoślinIn the Plant Selection Station, at Uszyce, field experiments have been carried out in the years 1954—1956, on the influence of cultivation conditions on the yield, and reproductive value of seedling potato tubers. In this experiment the seed tubers of four potato varieties were used, namely: Pierwiosnek, Żółciak, Dar and Lenino, which in the initial year were planted on the following three types of soils: Point 1. Podsolic sandy soil formed out of loose sands. „ 2. Light black earth. „ 3. Brown soil formed out of light loames. On point 3. the potato tubers were less struck by Rhizoctonia solani (Kuehn) than on points 1. and 2. of the seed tubers of potato from the least favourable cultivation conditions, that is from point 1. have been the worst as to the quality since they geve the lowest yield in the second year of reproduction. Yet in the third year of reproduction that unfavourable effect of those conditions has been completely levelled out, and no significant differences in yield amount relevant to the soil origin of the seed tubers have been noted. It must therefore be assumed that the reproductive value of the seed potatoes may be considered to be a certain complex of potential energy which in less favourable vegetation conditions might easily be inhibited. This inhibition, however, may not last for long, unless virus diseases occur in succesive years of reproduction; it may even recede as was the case in the described experiment.Pozycja Open Access Kompleksometryczne oznaczanie wapnia i magnezu w surowicy krwi przy użyciu wskaźników mieszanych(1959) Dobrowolski, Jan; Świerczewska, Maria; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Zakład Biochemii; Pomorska Akademia Medyczna w Szczecinie. Katedra Chemii OgólnejComplexometric determination of calcium and magnesium in blood serum was introduced by applying the glycocol buffer and the compound indicators prepared according to our own prescription. Addition of dye, acting as the background for the indicator proper, results in a more distinct change of colour of the solution in the end point of titration. For determination a solution of 0,001 N and 0,01 N disodium versenate was applied to a mixture of indicators consisting of: eriochrome black T. with napthol yellow (ratio 1 :1) for calcium and magnesium, and mixture of murexide with napthol green В (1 :1) for calcium. Titrations was performed in a medium of pH=10,0 (with eriochrome black T.) and pH = 12,0 (with murexide) and the buffer consisting of 0,1 n glycocol solution and 0,1 n NaOH was applied. The numerical analysis of results obtained during the investigations allows to draw the conclusion that the direct titration may be performed only with no less anamount than 0,5 ml of the blood serum. The less volumes give always the excess error. Blood — plasma proteins may be the cause of the titration error. More accurate results are obtained by precipitation of calcium as calcium oxalate. Analysing volumes of blood serum greater than 0,5 ml and properly diluted the accuracy of approximately ±1 percent for calcium and ±2 percent for magnesium may be obtained.Pozycja Open Access Recherches comparatives entre le mycotrophisme du Fagetum carpaticum de Babia Góra et celui d’autres Fageta precedemment studies(1960) Boullard, Bernard; Dominik, Tadeusz; De Laboratoire de la Protection de Plantes de L'Ecole Superieure d’Agriculture à Szczecin; Wyzsza Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie.Katedra Ochrony RoślinAutorzy postanowili wspólnie opracować jeden zespól bukowy w Polsce, aby porównać swe poglądy na możliwości badań ekologicznych, oparte o morfologię i anatomię mikoryz. Jako teren badań wybrano pierwotne buczyny na Babiej Górze, zarówno ze względu na ich charakter jak i dlatego, że znajdują się one na terenie Parku Narodowego na Babiej Górze; przy wyborze kierowano się również zewnętrznymi cechami, które stawiają te zespoły między zespołami tatrzańskimi i nadbałtyckimi. Badania zostały przeprowadzone podczas lata 1958 r. Udział w badaniach terenowych wzięli: dr Saturnin Borowiec (gleboznawca), mgr Zofia Zwolińska (botanik), mgr Krystyna Kurpios (meteorolog). Wymienieni wykonali odcinki prac analitycznych, potrzebne dla części opisowej pracy, co zostało zaznaczone w tekście francuskim. Badania przedstawione w niniejszej pracy są zakończeniem badań prowadzonych w zespołach bukowych na terenie Polski. Autorzy dochodzą zgodnie do stwierdzenia faktu, że dalsze wnikanie w szczegóły nie zmieni już ogólnego poglądu na mikotrofizm zespołów bukowych i buka na terenie Polski. W innych krajach, w których buk jest drzewem tworzącym większe kompleksy leśne, byłoby jednakże bardzo pożądane przeprowadzenie badań, które by mogły dać powiązania zmian w mikotrofizmie z różnicami klimatycznymi, które istnieją między ternami przyszłych badań i Polską. Dlatego też w naszej pracy zostały uwzględnione dane klimatyczne i gleboznawcze, gdyż tworzą one podstawę porównawczą dla badań na innych terenach. Udział gatunków mikotroficznych w zespole Fagetum carpaticum na Babiej Górze wynosi 58°/o. Gdyby uwzględnić wszystkie gatunki przytoczone w pracy Walasa, tworzące asocjację zwaną Fagetum carpaticum , to procent gatunków mikotroficznych doszedłby do 63. Przy porównaniu danych tabeli V (o rozwoju mikoryz) z danymi o występowaniu włośników rzuca się w oczy fakt, że masowo tworzą włośniki przeważnie rośliny autotroficzne. co zgadza się ze starą opinią Stahla (1900). Należy dodać, że rośliny tworzące babiogórski zespół buka wyrastały w glebie, która była bardzo jednolita, a więc nie mogła wpływać na różnice w występowaniu włośników. Mikoryzy endotroficzne tolipofagiczne i fyzalido-tamniskofagiczne są bardzo rzadkie w zespole buka na Babiej Górze. Spektrum mikoryzowe buka na Babiej Górze jest prawie identyczne ze spektrum buka z buczyn nadbałtyckich; jest bogatsze w rodzaje mikoryz, co przypisujemy pierwotności i dziewiczości zespołu babiogórskiego. To samo można powiedzieć, porównując spektra buka z Babiej Góry i z Tatr. Rodzaj mikoryz Fc jest najbardziej rozpowszechniony w zespołach bukowych i zawsze spotyka się u egzemplarzy zdrowych i dobrze rozwiniętych. Byłoby rzeczą bardzo pożyteczną zbadać bliżej ten rodzaj mikoryz, aby — poznawszy symbionta grzybowego — znaleźć sposoby na rozpowszechnianie go w buczynach, w których nie ma tego rodzaju mikoryz. W pracy niniejszej po raz pierwszy została opisana mikoryza rodzaju Ah, którą tworzy grzybnia niebiesko-czarnawa. Grzybnia ta, naszym zdaniem, należy do mikoryz tworzonych przez Hypochnus cyanescens, który został opisany przez Peronela (1922). Poza tym pewne cechy mikoryz pozwalają na przypuszczenie, że grzyb ten może być zidentyfikowany z Micelium radicis fagi Chan. Po dokładnym poznaniu mikotrofizmu buka od strony systematyki i ekologii pozostaje obecnie do zbadania strona mikrobiologiczna i zastosowanie tych wiadomości w hodowli lasu.Pozycja Open Access Warunki kontraktacji warzyw gruntowych w latach 1950—1957 na przykładzie województwa szczecińskiego i krakowskiego(1960) Wątorski, Józef; Wyzsza szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ekonomii PolitycznejThe introductory part of the article gives the general characteristic of vege table production, turnover and comsuption in Poland. Proceeding to the problem of vegetable contracting in the after — war period the author discussed its aims and tasks, emphasized the differences in comparison with contracting of industrial plants. The detailed discussion of economical incentives of production and supply in crease began with the presentation of the role of contract advance. Then there were discussed successively: exchange factors of corn and potatoes, deduction of area during the distribution of the obligatory supplies, tax relieves for the contracting people, and minimal prices, prices of the buying up and pecuniary premiums for the vegetable suppliers. After the presention of changes, to which the aforesaid in strumentals of material interest were subjected in the years 1950—1957, the author analysed their economical efficacy for the development of production and buying up and the raising up hectare productiveness. The second part of the article discusses the so called productive assistance, given to the planters in the frames of contracting. The author presented the connexion between the provision of particular means of production, which were scarce during the 6-year plan period, and the size of supply in the socialized buying up. On the background of presented in detail forms of the productive assistance (fertilizers, seeds, supply of building materials etc.) there was done the analysis of the effectiveness of industry-agriculture exchange, based on the principle of distribution but free market. The further part of the article presents the role of the fine non performance in realisation of contracting agreement in the conditions of global preponderance of seller’s market at buying up. In the summing up there were analysed the positive and negative result of purchasing organisation. On the basis of these researches the author formulated the conclusions to the address of the Harticultural Cooperative Society established in 1957 and local and central authorities realizing directives of agricultural policy and also those of whom further model changes depend in the trade.Pozycja Open Access Wstępna charakterystyka oddziaływania erozji wodnej na fizyko-chemiczne właściwości gleb w strefie moreny czołowej na Pojezierzu Pomorskim(1960) Chudecki, Zygmunt; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra GleboznawstwaIn his paper the author has given an introductary characteristic of the physical as well as chemical properties of soils in the eroded area of the Pommeranian Lake District. Field investigations were carried out in the autumn of 1957 r. These included the cutting and describing of soil exposures in six slopes selected for the purpose, the taking of soil samples from the various horizons in the profiles, measurment of pulpiness of the humus horizon, at intervals of 5 m, along the rising stretch of the slopes concerned, measurment of lenght and grade of the rising of the slopes as well as taking of surface soil samples. The samples taken helped to deter mine the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The results obtained have been shown on Tables III—XIII. Three out of the six selected slopes are being covered with permanent flora (a 50 years old beech-wood- Profile „F”, and a nearly 13 years old pasture flora —Profiles „B”> „C”) On the three remaining slopes the soil is agricultural land. The selected slopes are similar with regard to soil (produced from diluvial clay) and show no marked differences on the rising stretches. Drawings 1—6. The examined physico-chemical properties of the soils have been dealt with in close connexion with the relief of the area concerned. The results of the investigations show that the definite properties of soils were formed in accordance with the relief and the kind of usage the land had been put to. 1. The pulpiness of the humus, horizon of soils from the rising stretches and tops is markeddy smaller as compared with the soils from the foot of the slopes. The differences between soils from rising stretches and the soils from the foot of slopes amount: on cultivated land to 51 cm., on 13 years old turf land to 50 cm., and on land covered with a 50 years old beechwooid to 26 cm. 2. The humus horizon of the investigated soils is less rich in some nutritional ingredients soluble in 20% HCL in comparison with the deeper horizons; the amounts of potassium К are nearly 2,6 times, of magnesium almost 5 times, of lime nearly 10 times, and of P2 O5 almost 3 times less as the amounts found in the deeper horizons. 3. The soils on rising stretches of slopes, on tops, and the foot of slopes differ from one another in several physical properties: in ground depressions their per meability is at its highest, they have there the greatest cappillary water capacity and the ability of promotng the capillary upward movement of water. 4. The best physical properties have woodlands. 5. The present set of morphological characteristics, and physico-chemical pro perties of the investigated soils permits to divide them into three following complexes a) Soils on tops are mostly of podzolic character b) Soils on rising stretches of slopes resemble brown soils (Braunerde) c) Soils tat the foot of slopes of undefined type, in some places in layers, in other places they show the characteristics of chernozem (black sarth). The variability of the determined properties of soil in undulating land, is evidence of the differentiation of its fertility.Pozycja Open Access Wpływ terminu kopania na stopień porażenia kłębów ziemniaczanych przez przetrwalniki ospowatości (Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn)(1960) Songin, Włodzimierz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy RoślinAt Uszyce Plant Selection Station in the years 1955 - 1956 and at Lipki and Ostoja Agricultural Experimental Stations in the year 1958 field experiments have been carried out the aim of which has been to find whether the degree of potato tuber infection with the Black Scurf sclerots (spores) (Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn = Corticium solani) is increasing as potato lifting is postponed. The data and observations of these experiments show that quite young tubers of earlier potato liftings were already in some degree infected with the Black Scurf sclerots. The infection intensity was increasing as the lifting time was being postponed until the entire physiological maturity of potatoes, After complete withering of potato stalks the tubers were not being any more infected with the Black Scurf sclerots in spite of lying in the soil. It ought to be stressed the process of producing the Black Scurf sclerots was irregular but in some periods the sudden increase of the infection degree was observed. It seems that the period of the intense process of producing the sclerots occurs at the end periods of potato vegetation. The results obtained of these experiments prove moreover that the increase of the Black Scurf on the potato tubers depends very much upon such factors as: type of soil, variety properties and the whole of meteorological-climatic conditions.Pozycja Open Access Wstępne badania nad szkodami gradowymi w rolnictwie na terenie Polski w okresie lat 1946-1952(1960) Koźmiński, Czesław; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Meteorologii RolniczejThe work which has already been done can de divided into two parts. Firstly the author discussed the hail phenomenataking into consideration, the area yearly and daily frequencies of hail falls in Poland, the frequency above all of hail in Poland in the period 1946—1952, according to the size of the hailstones and the area of distribution. Secondly he discussed the damage caused by hail to corn, root-crops, vegetables and orchards. The work is based on the published material by P.J.H.M. in Hail in Poland” during the period of 1946—1952 and the observation material from some tens of metereological stations during the period of 1946—1957 and representing particular physiological regions of the country. To elaborate the majority of drawn tables and maps the period from IV to the IX was regarded as the vegetation plant cultivation period during which heavy hail fales can cause damage to agriculture. On the basis of the gathered materials the author distinguished four very distinct regions of hail damage to agriculture in Poland. The first region with a small degree of hail damage to agriculture fluctuating averagely from 1 to 10 per cent of yield risk. This region comprises most of the districts of Szczecin, Koszalin, Zielona Góra and Gdańsk, and several districts of the nieighbouring regions that is to say — Warsaw and Wrocław. The second region with an average degree of hail damage to agriculture which fluctuates averagely from 10—15 per cent of yield risk comprises the whole of the centre of Poland and two isolated islands in the West Pomeranian territory. The third region with a large degree of hail damage to the agriculture which has averaged from 16—20 per cent of yield risk a year. This region comprises the majority of districts of Wrocław and Opole, also the districts of Katowice, Kielce and Lublin provinces, and several districts of Bialystok an Poznań. The fourth region with a very heavy degree of hail damage to agriculture which has more thut 2O°/o of yield risk a year. This region comprises several mountainous districts such a: Nowy Targ, Nowy Sącz, Gorlice, Limanowa, Bochnia, Myślenice, Wadowice and Sucha and several districts in the Lublin province such as: Zamość, Krasnystaw, Bychowa, Lublin and Bełżyce.Pozycja Open Access Wartość pokarmowa kiszonki ze słomy z kukurydzy w żywieniu krów mlecznych(1960) Seidler, Stefan; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Żywienia ZwierzątThe test has been made with the Friesian cows (the lowland blackwhite breed). Twenty experimental animals were divided into two groups evened with regard to milkiness, fat percentage in milk and live weight. The beasts of first group during the entire experiment and the animals of the second group in the first and third stages were receiving hay, ensilage of sugar beet leaves and concentrated feeds (rape-cake, wheat bran and dried sugar factory residue). The second experimental group in the second stage was receiving the ensilage of maize straw in stead of the ensilaged sugar beet leaves. The maize straw of Vigor strain was used in the experiment. It was cut into pieces of 3 cm length. It was ensilaged in permanent reservoirs when its dry matter was higher than 3O°/o then it was sprinkled with water. The daily rations of the silages of sugar beet leaves and of maize straw were the same (30 kg) during the whole period of the experiment just as hay (6 kg). The quantity of the concentrated fodder was changing individually. In order to define a real nourishing value of the feeds used jointly in the experiment the tests of digestibility coefficients were carried out on 2-year heifers. The digestibility coefficients were defined according to the classical method. The digestibility ceofficients of the fodder used together, which were obtained due to the author's own researches, were not in conformity with the calculated ones on the basis of the literature data, in both groups the real digestibility of fibre apperaed to be higher, yet of protein lower. The closest data were obtained for non-nitrogenous extracts. Using-up of the fodder expressed in protein and units in feeding with the feeds given together with the ensilaged maize straw were nearly the same as in feeding with the ensilaged sugar beet leaves. The introduction of the ensilaged maize straw to the rations indeed reduced insignificantly the milk productiveness however it was recompensed with the increase of the fat percentage in milk. The variability analysis did not prove the real differences. During the experiment the cows increased the ir live weight.Pozycja Open Access Zawartość błonnika i kwasu askorbinowego w rzodkiewce (Raphanus sativus , v. Radicola ) oraz jego straty w zależności od warunków przechowania(1960) Warzecha, Antoni; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Technologii RolnejInvestigations have been made on two ground-varieties of radish („Icicle” and „Scarlet white-pointed”) where the contents of astringent and the vitamin C losses were determined as influenced by storing conditions. The samples of radish were placed: in a freezer at a temperature of: +1°C; in a vessel with water at 4-16°C; in dwelling rooms at a temp, of + 20°C. The vitamin C losses in each of the samples of radish were determined after 3 hours’ storing. The results as shown in Table No 1 are proving that the „Icicle” variety of radish contains more Vitamin C than the variety called „Round Scarlet white-pointed”. There is a similar situation regarding the astringent contents in radish without or with peel. The results, as seen in Table No 2, show that the lowest losses of Vitamin C occurred when storing radish in a freezer, ąnd apparently the highest ones in dwelling rooms. Investigating the influence of salting with sodium chloride on Vitamin-C con tents, it came to evidence that in a salted product there were lower losses of Vitamin-C than in the non-seted product (s. Table No 3).Pozycja Open Access Badanie niektórych właściwości krwi obwodowej u ogierów w czasie prób dzielności(Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie, 1960) Czajkowski , Z.; Balbierz , H.; Krystof , W.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Zoohigieny; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza we Wrocławiu. Katedra Fizjopatologii; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra ZoohigienyВо время проб над половой потенцией, которой объязательно подвергаются жеребцы перед лиценцией и включением их в стадо, проведены исследования 25 коней (19 жеребцов полукровких и 6 тяжелых пород), контролируя после каждой пробы не только одышку и пульс, но и изменения происходившие в обводной крови в уровне щелочного резерва (NaНСОз), в итогах гематологических исследованийи в лейкоцитной картине. Чтобы исключить возможности затемтения итогов гематологических исследований, вследствие колебаний атмосферных условий, проведены во время проб половой потенции кататермометрические измерения для получения сведений относительно охлождения, (ветра и температуры окружающей среды), температуру же и влажность воздуха отмечал термогигрограф беспрерывно. Результаты исслодований представлены в таблицах и на рисунках, а их анализ привел авторов к следующим выводам: 1. При пробах половой потенции можно применят некоторые клиническо ветеринарные лабораторные исследования (в особенности гематологические) их резултаты — как физиологические тесты принимались бы под вниманием при окончательной оценке жеребца; значение этого рода исследований полностью можно было бы оценить при более поздней проверке качества племенного прои' зводителя. 2. S eepfe на расстоянии около 3 км, черезчур изнуряющая проба для трехлетних жеребцов и нужно было бы призадуматься над ее целесообразностью. 3. Целесообразность вторичной проверки пульса и одышки после 30 минут по окончании пробы сомнительна потому, что после истечения этого времени, животное имеет резко повышенные так и пульс, как и одышку; это исследование пригодится после обработки и определения „степени возвращения к норме“ (покойное состояние), в условленном сроке.