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Pozycja Open Access Właściwości chemiczne gliniastych gleb uprawnych o zróżnicowanej rzeźbie terenu z uwzględnieniem zbiorowisk roślinnych po piętnastu latach odłogowania. Część I. Właściwości chemiczne gleb(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2012) Malinowski, Ryszard; Niedźwiedzki, Edward; Kutyna, Ignacy; Meller, Edward; Zakład Gleboznawstwa, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Zakład Gleboznawstwa, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Katedra Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Zakład Gleboznawstwa, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w SzczecinieThe fifteen year period of the fallowing of a loamy soil of a differentiated land relief caused an increase, as compared with the results of the studies carried out in 1994, in the soil acidity in all the studied elements of the relief. After such a long period of fallowing, no distinct changes were observed in humus resources, in the C : N ratio and in the content of available phosphorus. Whereas the resources of available potassium and magnesium increased in the soil layer up to a depth of 60 cm.Pozycja Open Access Microbiological air rating in a variety of objects during treatment of the post-slaughter poultry wastes. Part II. Bacteria(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Oraibi, Sanaa Mahdi; Cybulska, Krystyna; Department of Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinIn this paper, composition of the air in terms of bacterial bioaerosol in the management of post-slaughter poultry waste, was analyzed. The air samples were collected at 4 dates from 5 different locations – buildings (building for pre-processing with chemical treatment, pool for liquid waste, facility for storage of sludge from biological sewage treatment, object for preparation of waste subject to composting, and proper composting facility). Analyses were carried out in accordance with the procedures of environmental microbiology. Number of total bacteria was determined with particular emphasis put to Pseudomonas sp. and Clostridium sp. as well as Actinomycetes sp. Based on the air assays, it was found that the bacterial bioaerosol was present in varying degrees depending on the selected groups of microorganisms and differed between dates of analyzes and research points i.e. type and purpose of the object for these wastes management.Pozycja Open Access Evaluation of the biological value of the dandelion leaves (Taraxacum officinale weber ex wigg.) grown on soil contaminated with copper(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Studziński, Mateusz; Grzeszczuk, Monika; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Horticulture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe experiment was conducted in 2013. Research material included the leaves of a dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber ex Wigg.) – roots with the above-ground part, gathered before tying of flower baskets (Taraxaci radix cum herba). Laboratory analyses, which were the continuation of the pot experiment, were conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Horticulture of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. In the dried plant material (dandelion leaves) the content was determined: of dry mass and total ash, vitamin C as L-ascorbic acid, chlorophyll a, b and total, total carotenoid and antioxidant activity. Based on the obtained results it was found that both the biometric features of the dandelion plants and their biological value subjected to significant changes depending on the amount of copper contained in the soil and the crop harvest date.Pozycja Open Access The effect of different doses of fertilisation with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen on seed yield of Dactylis glomerata L. of ‘Tukan’ variety(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Kitczak, Teodor; Czyż, Henryk; Kirkiewicz, Anna; Department of Soil Science, Grassland and Environmental Chemistry West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Soil Science, Grassland and Environmental Chemistry West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Soil Science, Grassland and Environmental Chemistry West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe study was conducted at the Lipki Agricultural Experiment Station in Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński on acid brown soil formed of light glacial sand on clay (5 Bw pgl : pgm), which is characterised by low content of humus on Ap level (1.57–1.59%) and clay particles (11.9–12.4%). The field experiment was set up in split-plot system in four replications, with an area of a single plot of 12 m2. The study included two factors: I – doses of phosphorus and potassium (P + K kg . ha–1): 60 + 120 and 90 + 180, II – doses of nitrogen (N kg . ha–1): 0, 40, 80 and 120. The experiment was established in 2010 by sowing Dactylis glomerata seeds of ‘Tukan’ variety (8 kg . ha–1) in spring barley harvested for grain. The study included two years of seed collection (2011 and 2012). The study determined plant density in the years of full use, number of generative shoots per plant, inflorescence length, number of spikelets and seeds per inflorescence as well as seed and straw yield. Biometric observations were conducted in 25 randomly selected inflorescences from each plot. Seed and straw yield was determined on the area of each plot during seed harvest. Dactylis glomerata of ‘Tukan’ variety was characterised by higher level of yields in the first than in the second year of seed collection. The obtained results indicate, that when establishing a plantation on light soil with companion planting in spring barley, it is advisable to use 120 kg N, 60 kg P and 120 kg K . ha–1. The increased phosphorus-potassium fertilisation (90 kg P and 180 kg . ha–1) did not change the studied morphological features of plants (number of generative shoots per plant, length of inflorescence, number of spikelets and seeds per inflorescence), while fertilising with nitrogen in doses of 40, 80 and 120 kg . ha–1 had a positive effect on increasing the above mentioned features.Pozycja Open Access Interactive effects of salinity stress with or without nicotinamide on physiological and biochemical parameters of tomato seedling(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Krupa-Małkiewicz, Marcelina; Ostojski, Dominik; Sędzik, Maja; Pelc, Justyna; Smolik, Beata; Department of Plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe aim of this study is to determine the effect of both NaCl and KCl salt alone or in combination with nicotinamide, on growth and some biochemical parameters of Vilma cultivar of tomato under laboratory and field conditions. The combinations of salt solutions used had a negative impact on the ability of seed germination and morphological characteristics of 14-day-old tomato seedlings. The addition of NaCl salt had a positive impact on the content of Chl a and Car in contrast KCl salt solution led to the decrease of photosynthetic and non- -photosynthetic pigments. Under field conditions, NaCl salt solution exhibited inhibitory effect on plant growth, concentration of Chl a, Chl b, and Car, simultaneously increasing oxidative stress parameters (proline and malondialdehyde – MDA). Moreover, leaves of tomato from the control group were darker in comparison to the remaining plants. It was observed that the addition of nicotinamide to the solution did not show protective effect on plants grown under salinity, except in a small increase of the concentration of proline.Pozycja Open Access The effect of soil tillage system and nitrogen fertilization on baking quality of winter spelt cultivars(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Hury, Grzegorz; Stankowski, Sławomir; Makarewicz, Artur; Sobolewska, Magdalena; Biel, Wioletta; Opatowicz, Natalia; Department of Agronomy, West Pomerania University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Agronomy, West Pomerania University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Agronomy, Siedlce University of Natural Science and Humanities; Department of Agronomy, West Pomerania University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Pig Breeding, Animal Nutrition and Food, West Pomerania University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Agronomy, West Pomerania University of Technology, SzczecinThe material for investigation were grain samples obtained from an experiment conducted in 2009–2011 at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Lipnik, near Szczecin. The study compared 3 factors: two systems of soil tillage (reduced and conventional), 4 nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg · ha–1) and 3 winter spelt cultivars (‘Franckenkorn’, ‘Oberkulmer Rothkorn’, ‘STH 12’). The quality and farinograph traits of grain, flour and dough were estimated. Soil tillage systems – reduced and conventional – practically had not effect on grain and flour quality. Significant difference was observed only for gluten content. Nitrogen fertilization influenced significantly most of the quality traits. The optimal nitrogen level was 100 kg N · ha–1. Only for gluten index and gluten weakening the highest values have been observed at control variant without nitrogen fertilization. There was no interaction between cultivars and nitrogen fertilization except for gluten index. Mean values of this trait for cultivars ‘Oberkulmer Rothkorn’ and ‘Franckenkorn’ was on the same level at different nitrogen dose. Gluten index for cultivar ‘STH 12’ decreased significantly at higher doses. The results of farinograph analyses indicate that cultivar with the best baking quality was ‘Oberkulmer Rothkorn’, while with the worst quality – ‘Franckenkorn’.Pozycja Open Access Structure and floristic diversity of the community Calamagrostietum Epigeji Juraszek 1928 within different biotopes(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Kutyna, Ignacy; Młynkowiak, Elżbieta; Malinowska, Katarzyna; Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Development, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin,; Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Development, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin,; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe aim of the present paper was to determine the structure and floristic diversity of Calamagrostietum epigeji occurring within different biotopes (sand and gravel post-excavation pits, “Gilow” post-flotation waste dump, and an urban area in Szczecin). Based on previous publications, a synthetic table was compiled to present the phytosociological constancy (S) and cover coefficient (D) of species occurring in the analysed phytocoenoses. Analysis of the similarity between the communities was performed with the UPGMA method and Euclidean distances on the basis of species phytosociological constancy using the Statistica PL package. Similarity coefficients were also calculated for the distinguished phytocoenoses with the Sorensen method and the results were presented in Czekanowski’s diagram. As revealed by the UPGMA method, the greatest similarity was exhibited by communities developing within the “Storkowo I” and “Storkowo II” pits and in the “Mielenko Drawskie” pit. These phytocoenoses, which are undergoing the initial succession stage, are characterised by distinct dominance of Calamagrostis epigejos and a low number of species (from 38 to 49 taxa, on average from 10 to 15 per releve). The other group comprises communities representing later stages of succession from the “Gilow” post-flotation waste dump and the long abandoned “Krzynka” and “Szczecin- -Żydowce” pits. These phytocoenoses exhibit substantially higher floristic richness (from 61 to 114 species, on average from 15 to 20 per releve); hence, the cover coefficient of the bushgrass is considerably lower. The urban area in Szczecin is the most diverse biotope, in which, due to the more favourable soil conditions, rich phytocoenoses characterised by a mean number of 25 taxa per releve and a low cover of Calamagrostis epigejos have developed.Pozycja Open Access The influence of IBA, IAA and NAA on rooting of Celosia argentea var.cristata (L.) Kuntze in vitro culture(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Krupa-Małkiewicz, Marcelina; Mgłosiek, Oktawia; Department of Plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe formation of adventitious roots is an essential step in vegetative propagation. Well-developed root system allows for easier and faster adaptation of plants to ex vitro conditions. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of exogenous auxin on Celosia argentea var.cristata (L.) Kuntze rooting under in vitro conditions and on ex vitro adaptation of those plants. MS rooting media were supplemented with IBA, IAA and NAA at subsequent concentrations 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mg ・ dm−3. The results showed, that subsequent hormones had a positive effect on root development and morphology. The longest and thickest roots were formed in the presence of IBA at the concentration of 1.0 mg ・ dm−3. The highest percent of ex vitro survived plants was obtained after application of IBA and NAA (1.0 mg ・ dm−3). Plants survival ex vitro decreased (12.5–62.5%), when culture treated with IBA and NAA (1.5 and 2.0 mg ・ dm−3).Pozycja Open Access The role and scope of field studies in environmental impact assessments and environmental documentation(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Dusza, Elżbieta; Kupiec, Michał; Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Development, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Development, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinField studies have become a permanent feature of the environmental documentation system, which in turn has become a standard part of the investment process. The scope and depth of environmental impact assessment field studies is highly diverse and depends both on the type of investment and the provisions required by the relevant authorities. The paper presents an analysis of selected examples of investments in the scope of the field research conducted, along with the impact of their results on obtaining a positive environmental assessment decision. The analysis also takes into account the needs of field research, which should be tailored to the level and type of investment which is subject to environmental impact assessment.Pozycja Open Access Preliminary estimation the impact of effective microorganisms and fertilization on the yield, photosynthetic activity, water use efficiency of japanese knotweed (Polygonum Cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc.) and contents of selected minerals in soil(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Jaroszewska, Anna; Stankowski, Sławomir; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe aim of research was preliminary assessment the influence of effective microorganisms and fertilization manure on the yield, morphological traits, photosynthetic activity, water use efficiency of Japanese knotweed (Polygonum Cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc.) and on amount of selected minerals in soil. Field experiment was conducted in 2014 and 2015 in Experimental Station in Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński (53o12’N; 14o27’E), Poland. Experimental factors were EM – effective microorganisms (preparation) and fertilization manure. The experiment was conducted in the totally random system. The experiment consisted of four objects, in four replication: 1 – control (without EM preparation and fertilization); 2 – EM preparation; 3 – fertilization granulated manure; 4 – EM preparation and fertilization granulated manure. Effective microorganisms and manure fertilization had no significant effect on the yield, the number of plants per plot, their height, and diameter of stems of Japanese knotweed. Plants fertilized with manure and EM preparation with manure had higher concentrations of studied macronutrients (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus) and microelements. Greater intensity of assimilation and transpiration was observed in plants grown in the control plots (without EM and manure). Plant grown on objects fertilized with manure as well as EM preparation and manure- -treated better utilized water during its shortages (in 2015 year).Pozycja Open Access Assessment of agro-meteorological conditions of the vegetation period in 2015 in the Szczecin lowland(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Rawicki, Kacper; Mąkosza, Agnieszka; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, West Pomeranian Research Centre in Szczecin; Department of Meteorology and Green Areas Management, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe present study presents the analysis of thermal and pluviometric conditions on the basis of selected agro-meteorological indices in the vegetation period (IV–X) in 2015 in the Szczecin Lowland against the reference period of 1961–2014. With the use of the results of automatic measurements of air temperature, the following were identified: the beginning, the end and duration of vegetation period, as well as the sum of effective temperatures above the 5oC threshold. Additionally, the months were thermally classified according to Lorenc (2000) and the pluviometric conditions were assessed with the use of standardised precipitation index (SPI). It was found that in 2015 in the Szczecin Lowland, the thermal vegetation period lasted for 257 days with the date of beginning 19th of March, and the ending date 30th November. Therefore, the period was by 26 days longer than the average and fourth in terms of length as compared with the reference multi-year period. As compared to thermal conditions till the second half of the 1990s, the vegetation period under analysis was marked by high heat resources – the resources were average in comparison to the last several years. However, according to thermal classification, the period was characterised by average thermal conditions, yet the shortage of precipitation resulted in severe atmospheric drought as defined by the values of SPI index. The most unfavorable weather conditions were recorded in August which was marked by abnormally warm thermal conditions and extreme atmospheric drought.Pozycja Open Access The effect of tillage system and nitrogen fertilization on nutritional value of winter spelt wheat cultivars(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Biel, Wioletta; Hury, Grzegorz; Jaroszewska, Anna; Sadkiewicz, Józef; Stankowski, Sławomir; Department of Pig Breeding, Animal Nutrition and Food, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Agronomy, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of the Food Technology, University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz; Department of the Food Technology, University of Science and Technology, BydgoszczThe field experiment was carried out at the Agricultural Experimental Station of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, in Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński in 2009−2011. The experimental factors consisted of: tillage systems (simplified and plow), selected cultivars and strains of spelt (‘Frankenkorn’, ‘Oberkulmer Rotkorn’, ‘STH 8’, ‘STH 11’, ‘STH 12’), and nitrogen fertilization levels (control – 0, 50, 100, 150 kg N . ha–1). Material for the study included samples of grain obtained as an average for the experimental combinations. In samples of grain were determined the basic chemical composition and fiber fractions. The research indicates that there are opportunities to shape the size of nutrient levels, which determines the use of spelt grain in the food industry by agronomic factors. Higher nitrogen fertilization significantly increased content of total protein (154 g . kg–1). Cultivar and strain factor had significant effect on the content of total protein (154 g . kg–1), crude fat (19.3 g . kg–1) and crude ash (20.8 g . kg–1) as well as neutral-detergent (114 g . kg–1) and acidic-detergent dietary (33.3 g . kg–1) fiber fractions.Pozycja Open Access Segetal flora of the plantations of virginia fanpetals Sida hermaphrodita (L) Rusby in Łobez commune (West Pomerania)(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Bacieczko, Wanda; Borcz, Agnieszka; Department of Meteorology and Landscape Architecture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Meteorology and Landscape Architecture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThis paper presents the results of the investigation of the segetal flora accompanying the Virginia fanpetals crops in Łobez Commune. The purpose of this research was the identification and ecological analysis of weeds recorded in two plantations of the species cultivated for biomass energy production. The origin of the weeds was also determined, based on their geographical-historical classification. As a result, a total of 106 vascular plant species were recorded. The number of species was different in both plantations depending on the fertilising manner. The first plantation which was fertilised with industrial effluents from the starch factory “Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Ziemniaczanego Nowamyl” in Łobez, was characterized by lesser diversity of the segetal weeds (42 taxa) than the second plantation, which was not fertilised (95 taxa). Both plantations were dominated by perennial species (78 taxa), which were twice as numerous as annual plants (28 taxa). In both plantations weeds were mostly represented by ruderal species of the Artemisietea vulgaris class and segetal species of the Stellariete mediae class. Apophytes were the most numerous historicalgeographical group in the flora (78 taxa – 73.6% of the flora), whereas non-synantrophic spontaneophytes were rare. Archaeophytes were the most numerous species (16 taxa) amongst the anthropophytes – most of them were the weeds of cereal crops and root crops. Inboth plantations also the American neophytes were recorded: Solidgo canadensis, Conyza canadensis, and Erigeron annuus, which are classified as invasive species in Poland.Pozycja Open Access Comparison of growth, bulbs yield and nutrient content of Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Chitt., E. bicolor Baker and E. comosa (Houtt.) Wehrh. grown in a greenhouse as pot plants(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Salachna, Piotr; Department of Horticulture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinEucomis species are a relatively new pot plants with potential for expansion. The aim of the study was to compare the growth, flowering, bulbs yield and macronutrients content of three species: Eucomis autumnalis, E. bicolor and E. comosa. The experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 in a greenhouse. The bulbs were planted in 18 cm diameter pots containing a deacidified peat, supplemented with a fertilizer Hydrocomplex. Of all the species tested, E. autumnalis had the least leaves, flowered earliest and produced the highest number of adventitious bulbs. E. bicolor had the highest number of leaves, produced longer and wider inflorescences and the least number of adventitious bulbs as compared to the other two species. E. comosa was characterized by the largest diameter of adventitious bulbs and the highest potassium content in the leaves. The analysis of the macronutrient composition of three Eucomis species showed that the leaves contained more nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium than the bulbs.Pozycja Open Access Colonization of selected rose varieties by pests and pathogens(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Adamska, Iwona; Dzięgielewska, Magdalena; Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Development, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe occurrence of pests and microscopic fungi on roses in the “Rożanka” City Garden in Szczecin was investigated in the years 2014–2015. Rosa thea hybrida (varieties ‘Alchymist’, ‘Aspirin Rose’, ‘Blaze Superior’, ‘Carina’, ‘Die Welt’, ‘Fairy’, ‘Flamingo’, ‘Flammentanz’, ‘Gloria Dei’, ‘Goldstern’, ‘Ingrid Bergman’, ‘Mr Lincoln’, ‘Muttertag Orange’, ‘Santana’ and ‘Sommerwind’), R. x centifolia (‘Petit De Holand’ variety) and R. rugosa were selected for analysis. Species composition and colonization degree by pests and by fungi were evaluated. Colonization degree depended on the rose variety, observation date and presence of other biological factors. An antagonism between pests and microscopic fungi was detected. R. ‘Ingrid Bergman’ was a variety least inhabited by pests and fungi.Pozycja Open Access New localities of the rare species Monotropa hypophegea in West Pomerania(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Bacieczko, Wanda; Borcz, Agnieszka; Department of Meteorology and Landscape Architecture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThis study presents new localities of Monotropa hypophegea L. – a species rare to Poland and to West Pomerania. They were recorded in the Barlinek-Gorzow Landscape Park, in the vicinity of the Płonno village, which is situated eastwards, 6 km away from Barlinek. They occur in the mixed forests that belong to the Forest Inspectorate of Barlinek, in the forest sections: 705f, 708b, 709a, and 709b. Population of this species comprises over 300 specimens.Pozycja Open Access The influence of fertilisation urea phosphate on growth and yielding bush of two highbush blueberry cultivars (V. Corymbosum)(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Kozos, Karolina; Ochmian, Ireneusz; Department of Horticulture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Horticulture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinAn interest in highbush blueberry cultivation is growing in the world. An increase in the demand causes high prices of fruits. The success of cultivation depends on providing soil with a low pH value to the plants. The study specifies the influence of different doses (30 and 60 kg N · ha–1) of physiologically acidic urea phosphate (17.7% N, 44.6% P2O5) on the growth and yield of highbush blueberry shrubs. The studies were carried out at the Department of Horticulture, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, at a production plantation specialized in the cultivation of highbush blueberry. The bushes were planted in soil classified as sandy silts with the content of organic matter at 4.1–4.2%. The following parameters were measured in autumn: the height of the bushes, the length of one-year growths, the number of one-year shoots growing on roots, the green index, leaf area and yield, fruit weight and firmness. The use of urea phosphate influenced the increase in the yield and size of fruits of both highbush blueberry cultivars, it did not, however, influence the increase in the height of bushes and the length of one-year shoots. It stimulated the plants to produce shoots growing on roots and the formation of larger leaves with a higher green index value as compared to unfertilized plants.Pozycja Open Access Soil conditions and plant communities on the summit, the slope and the depression on the edge of west Oder(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Kutyna, Ignacy; Malinowska, Katarzyna; Malinowski, Ryszard; Department of Ecology, Envinronmental Protection and Development, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin; Department of Soil Science, Grassland and Environmental Chemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Kutyna I., Malinowska K., Malinowski R. (2016). Soil conditions and plant communities on the summit, the slope and the depression on the edge of west Oder. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech., 328(39)3, 123–158. doi 10.21005/AAPZ2016.39.3.1237 relevés were made in the area of West Oder western edge located between the village of Moczyły and the hamlet of Kamionka. Geobotanical study was conducted in three elements of the terrain. 17 relevés were made on flat tops of the edge with cereal cultivation, 11 on the southern and southeastern slope within long-term fallow, and 7 in the depression (with triticale cultivation). 4 outcrops were made along the transect from which samples were taken in order to determine basic soil parameters (grain size distribution, pH and CaCO3 content). Lathyro- -Melandrietum noctiflori segetal community was distinguished on the summit and it was internally diversified into the typical variant as well as Anthemis tinctoria and Melampyrum arvense. The slopes are inhabited by floristically rich Convolvulo arvensis-Agropyretum repentis phytocoenoses. It is characterised by species diversity resulting from the process of community transformation, which occurs on the slope of the habitat during secondary succession. Poo-Tussilaginetum farfarae phytocoenoses develop at the footslope (in the depression), which is characterised by different ecological conditions compared to the slope and the summit. With the use of phytoindicational properties of plant species and Ellenberg’s method the following mean values were determined: thermal relations of the habitat (T), humidity (W), pH of the soil (R), content of nitrogen (N) and biological activity of the soil (G). The warmest are the habitats on the slope (T = 2.5) and on the summit (T = 2.3). In the depression, the habitats are very cold (T = 1.8). The driest soils are those of the summit and the slope (W = 3.5). In the depression the soils are periodically wet (W = 2.4). The pH of the soil on the summit and the slope is alkaline (R = 4.2) and in the depression it is neutral (R = 3.8). The content of N in the soil of the summit and the slope is similar (N = 2.8–3.3), and slightly lower on the slope (N = 2.7) which is due to the loss of humus caused by surface water erosion occurring on the slope of the hill. The results obtained with this method are very close to the soil parameters obtained with analytical soil science methods.Pozycja Open Access Effect of calcium peroxide on oxidoreductase activities in soil contaminated with gasoline and diesel oil(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Stręk, Michał; Telesiński, Arkadiusz; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin; Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology SzczecinThis paper presents the study on assessment of the effect of calcium peroxide on activity of chosen enzymes: dehydrogenases, catalase and o-diphenol oxidase in soil contaminated gasoline or diesel oil. Laboratory experiment was carried out on loamy sang with Corg content 8.7 g ・ kg–1. Into soil samples different combinations of gasoline or diesel oil (at the dosage of 50 g ・ kg–1) and calcium peroxide (at the amounts of 100 and 200 mg ・ kg–1) were added. Samples were adjusted to 60% maximum water holding capacity, and they were incubated for four weeks in tightly closed glass containers at temperature of 20°C. In soil treated with CaO2 and petroleum products, soil oxidoreductase activities were measured on days 1, 7, 14 and 28. Soil contamination with gasoline decreased in all oxidoreductase activities, while contamination with diesel oil increased in dehydrogenases and caused slight changes in catalase and o-diphenol oxidase activity. Effect of CaO2 on oxidoreductase activities in soil uncontaminated and contaminated with gasoline and diesel oil proved diversified, and depended on enzyme, incubation time, type of petroleum product and calcium peroxide dosage. Application of CaO2 in soil contaminated with petroleum products caused mainly stimulation of dehydrogenases and catalase.Pozycja Open Access Factors affecting development of pioneering psammophilous Dune vegetation on Przytorska Sandbar (Nature 2000 site „Wolin and Uznam” PLH320019)(Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie, 2016) Wróbel, Mariola; Kowalski, Wojciech W. A.; Department of Botany and Nature Protection, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Department of Botany and Nature Protection, West Pomeranian University of Technology, SzczecinThe influence of selected environmental factors on shaping sandy beach habitats as a place for the growth of psammophilous and halophilous plants were the purpose of a research performed in the years 2013–2014 on Przytorska Sandbar (Natura 2000 area „Wolin and Uznam” PLH320019). The research was performed on a beach section, which was excluded from recreational use, and closely bordered with the external port basin of the Liquid Natural Gas terminal under construction, where also the abrasive influence of storm surges had been diminished. Research results indicated a dominant influence of aeolian sand material accumulation in shaping embryo dunes inhabited by pioneer species of psammophilous and halophilous plants - Elymus farctus subsp. boreoatlanticus and Honckenya peploides – species characteristic of the plant association of Honckenyo-Agropyretum juncei R.Tx. 1955, identifying the natural habitat of the initial stages of coastal white dunes (habitat code: 2110), the parts of which had been observed in the research area as a classically shaped form. The presence of Ammophila arenaria and Leymus arenarius creating initial forms of grassy vegetation association of Elymo-Ammophiletum indicated a proceeding stabilisation of embryo dunes – evolving into a foredune. A strong sea accumulation of sand material and simultaneous decrease of abrasive storm-tide influence enabled the development of an ecologically and geographically foreign species Salix daphnoides, diasporas of which were located in the area of lower beach.