Wstępna ocena poziomu stężenia mineralnych związków azotu i fosforu w wodach powierzchniowych zlewni jeziora Świdwie
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Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
An article presents results of six-month research (V–X 2012) of mineral nitrogen and
phosphorus compounds on surface waters in Świdwie lake’s catchment area. In investigated
water courses the concentration of nitrate nitrogen(V) classified water to I purity class and
concentration of ammonium nitrogen classified most of these water-courses to II purity class.
Whereas the concentration of the phosphate phosphorus(V) on the most of examined water-
-courses exceeded II class limits for surface waters (especially on water courses running by
built-up area). Positive influence of the Żurawie reservoir on the quality of waters flowing in to
the Świdwie lake was noted. On the base of obtained results we concluded that Struga Żurawia
and canal Bolkowo-Łęgi leading large amounts of phosphate phosphorus to Świdwie lake. It
may cause to increased process of its eutrophication. However we did not found large amounts
of investigated biogenic compounds in river Gunica which flows to Świdwie lake. On Świdwie
lake outflow lower concentration of phosphorus(V) what is the evidence of phosphates
cumulation in the lake.
Słowa kluczowe
azot, fosfor, jakość wód, jezioro Świdwie, wody powierzchniowe, biogenic compounds, lake Swidwie, nitrogen, phosphorus, surface water, water quality
Rawicki K., Siwek H. (2014). Wstępna ocena poziomu stężenia mineralnych związków azotu i fosforu w wodach powierzchniowych zlewni jeziora Świdwie. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 309 (29), 101–114