Assesment of the Size and Selected Traits of Pheasant Eggs
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Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena wielkości i wybranych cech zewnętrznych
oraz wewnętrznych jaj bażantów różnych odmian. Materiał badawczy stanowiło po 15 jaj
kur bażanta królewskiego (Syrmaticusreevesii), bażanta srebrzystego (Lophuranyctemera)
i bażanta zwyczajnego (Phasianus colchicus). Łącznie poddano ocenie 45 jaj. Jaja uzyskano
z sześciu stadek bażantów (po dwa dla każdej odmiany bażantów) liczących po pięć osobników
(kogut i cztery kury). Ptaki utrzymywano w jednakowych warunkach środowiskowych
i żywieniowych. Ocenę jaj przeprowadzono według metodyki podanej przez Mroczka (1997).
Jaja znoszone przez kury bażantów srebrzystych, królewskich i zwyczajnych różnią się istotnie
wielkością, barwą skorupy i, w niewielkim stopniu, jej grubością. Największy udział w jajach,
niezależnie od pochodzenia bażantów, miało białko (48,46–54,77%) i żółtko (36,32–38,69%);
najmniejszy udział miała skorupa (12,30–15,19%). U wszystkich badanych odmian bażanta
stwierdzono istotne współczynniki korelacji między masą jaj a masą ich białka (0,666–0,721),
jak również między masą białka a masą żółtka jaj (0,631–0,702). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że
bażanty srebrzyste, królewskie i zwyczajne, użytkowane w chowie zamkniętym, osiągają
stosunkowo dobre wyniki reprodukcji, określane na podstawie zapłodnienia jaj i wylęgu
zdrowych piskląt z jaj nałożonych i z jaj zapłodnionych.
The objective of the present work was to assess egg size and evaluate selected external and internal egg traits of selected pheasant strains. Fifteen eggs of each of the following strain were examined: the Reeves's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii), the Silver Pheasant (Lophura nyctemera) and the Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus). A total of 45 eggs were studied. The eggs were obtained from 6 groups (2 for each variety) of 5 pheasants (1 male and 4 females). The birds were reared under the same environmental conditions and fed the same diets. Eggs were assessed following the methodology described by Mroczek (1997). The eggs laid by Reeves's Pheasant, Silver Pheasant and Common Pheasant females had significantly different shell sizes, colour and, to some extent, thickness. Regardless of the variety, eggs contained significantly most albumen (48.46–54.77%), less yolk (36.32–38.69%), and shell (12.30–15.19%). Common Pheasant eggs had significantly more yolk and albumen than the remaining eggs. For all the varieties studied, significant correlation coefficients were obtained between egg weight and albumen weight (0.666–0.721) and, in the case of Common Pheasant, between egg weight and yolk weight (0.711). The findings of this study indicate that Reeves's Pheasants, Silver Pheasant and Common Pheasants reared in captivity achieve good breeding results in the form of egg fertilisation and hatching of healthy chicks from eggs hatched and fertilised.
The objective of the present work was to assess egg size and evaluate selected external and internal egg traits of selected pheasant strains. Fifteen eggs of each of the following strain were examined: the Reeves's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii), the Silver Pheasant (Lophura nyctemera) and the Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus). A total of 45 eggs were studied. The eggs were obtained from 6 groups (2 for each variety) of 5 pheasants (1 male and 4 females). The birds were reared under the same environmental conditions and fed the same diets. Eggs were assessed following the methodology described by Mroczek (1997). The eggs laid by Reeves's Pheasant, Silver Pheasant and Common Pheasant females had significantly different shell sizes, colour and, to some extent, thickness. Regardless of the variety, eggs contained significantly most albumen (48.46–54.77%), less yolk (36.32–38.69%), and shell (12.30–15.19%). Common Pheasant eggs had significantly more yolk and albumen than the remaining eggs. For all the varieties studied, significant correlation coefficients were obtained between egg weight and albumen weight (0.666–0.721) and, in the case of Common Pheasant, between egg weight and yolk weight (0.711). The findings of this study indicate that Reeves's Pheasants, Silver Pheasant and Common Pheasants reared in captivity achieve good breeding results in the form of egg fertilisation and hatching of healthy chicks from eggs hatched and fertilised.
Słowa kluczowe
egg, peasant, quality, bażant, jaja, jakość
Biesiada-Drzazga B., Banaszewska D., Bombik T., Majkowski P. (2014). Assesment of the Size and Selected Traits of Pheasant Eggs. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 310(30), 27–34.