1964, Nr 16


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  • PozycjaOpen Access
    Projekt mechanizacji transportu wewnętrznego w chłodni eksportowej owoców i warzyw
    (1964) Ostrowski, W.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ogrodnictwa - Zakład Sadownictwa.
    The present project contains a detailed scheme for internal transport at the cold storage plant for fruit and vegetables of 6.5 thousand ton capacity, built for export purposes by the Export-Import Centre of the Horticultural Cooperative at the Szczecin harbour. It consists of four principal parts: A. scheme for mechanization of car discharge, B. scheme for onion drying, C. scheme for onion weighing, D. scheme for transporting pallet loads. The mechanization level brings the above storage plant to a front position in Poland. Some solutions given here may find their way into schemes of other, similar types of storage plants not only at home but also in other countries of People's Democracy.
  • PozycjaOpen Access
    Projekt mechanizacji przygotowania cebuli na eksport
    (1964) Ostrowski, W.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ogrodnictwa - Zakład Sadownictwa.
    In the present scheme, the problem of mechanical onion sorting has been worked out. The latter is to operate on the sorting lines of a cold storage plant for fruit and vegetables of 6.5 thousand ton capacity built for export purposes by the Export-Import Centre of the Horticultural Cooperative at the Szczecin harbour. A scheme for 8 sorting lines has been worked out with a total of 160 tons of ready-for-export product within 8 hours. After a manual treatment and separation of used and unused odds, the onion termed "Polish Onion" will pass by conveyor to automatic scales and thence, after labelling, to an automatic sewing machine. The complete product in jute sacks of 25 kg capacity each will be loaded by the "Pohling" conveyor system loco board.
  • PozycjaOpen Access
    Badania „systemu maszyn” V/ PGR Przecław
    (1964) Zambrzycki, Z.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Mechanizacji Rolnictwa.
    The purpose of the present investigation is to find out in what degree machines owned by the farm are suitable for mechanization of the tilling processes. Subject to the above investigation were all the machines, tools, and agricultural equipment from the point of view of their relation to production, administration, economic, and investment activities. The examination brings evidence that the mentioned form shows deficiency machinery for grass mowing and for inter-row cultivation.
  • PozycjaOpen Access
    Wpływ marży pośrednictwa na ceny dla producentów rolnych i dla konsumentów
    (1964) Rutkowska, I.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ekonomii Politycznej.
    The study you mentioned focuses on the economic aspects of agriculture, specifically within the context of a highly developed capitalist economy. It examines the impact of brokerage allowances on the price levels in retail trade and on farms themselves. By analyzing statistical data from the USA during the period of 1913-1961, the study investigates various properties of brokerage allowances and their relationships with farm-goods prices. This includes trends, standard deviations, change coefficients, correlation coefficients, and price indications for farm-goods producers. The findings highlight differences between the postwar situation and the years 1913-1947.
  • PozycjaOpen Access
    Metodyka i problematyka badań nad popytem ludności Szczecina na warzywa i owoce.
    (1964) Wątorski, J.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ekonomii Politycznej.
    After an analysis of the achievements in the investigations on food demand and consumption, we come to the conclusion that so far no separate and full researches on the demand for fruit and vegetables have been made. This fact has permitted us to draw an outline of investigations for the purpose of finding out the characteristic features and laws implied in the development of that phenomenon in various periods (seasons) and influenced by various factors. A specification was then laid out and motives were assigned as to the sphere of analysis agreed upon. After a discussion on and appreciation of the document sources, an outlay of methods for investigation of the data available was drawn, involving methods suitable for market economy analysis. To sum up, a system of research problems and a way of handling them successively was brought into consideration and a general characteristic of the results obtained was given.
  • PozycjaOpen Access
    Niektóre zagadnienia wpływu trwałych użytków zielonych na produkcję mleka.
    (1964) Lelito, E.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ekonomiki i Organizacji Rolnictwa
    This report is a part of a study under the title: "The influence of natural grassland on the economy and administration of farms." Accordingly, this report involves only a few of the applied measurements such as mean arithmetical, declination from average, standard declination, and coefficients of total correlation. The given methods make it possible to determine the interdependence of natural grassland and milk productiveness, fat percentage, and fat output. The above study is based on the data of the Szczecin region.
  • PozycjaOpen Access
    Współzależność czynników w kształtowaniu produktywności PGR woj. szczecińskiego.
    (1964) Górka-Niwiński, Stanisław; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ekonomiki i Organizacji Rolnictwa
    The present study tries to find out the interdependence of the principal factors in forming the productiveness in the State Farms of the Szczecin region. The author took into account seven principal output factors, such as professional qualifications of managers and administrators, quality of the staff, work distribution, number of draft power, mechanization degree on 100 ha cultivated land, and the amount of mineral NPK as well as organic manuring on 1 ha cultivated land - and by a mathematical method (smallest squares) figured out the interdependence of various factors in the formation of crops. The greatest influence on crop formation is exercised by the number and quality of the staff.