1960, Nr 3
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Przeglądaj 1960, Nr 3 wg Temat "przechowywanie"
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Pozycja Open Access Zawartość błonnika i kwasu askorbinowego w rzodkiewce (Raphanus sativus , v. Radicola ) oraz jego straty w zależności od warunków przechowania(1960) Warzecha, Antoni; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Technologii RolnejInvestigations have been made on two ground-varieties of radish („Icicle” and „Scarlet white-pointed”) where the contents of astringent and the vitamin C losses were determined as influenced by storing conditions. The samples of radish were placed: in a freezer at a temperature of: +1°C; in a vessel with water at 4-16°C; in dwelling rooms at a temp, of + 20°C. The vitamin C losses in each of the samples of radish were determined after 3 hours’ storing. The results as shown in Table No 1 are proving that the „Icicle” variety of radish contains more Vitamin C than the variety called „Round Scarlet white-pointed”. There is a similar situation regarding the astringent contents in radish without or with peel. The results, as seen in Table No 2, show that the lowest losses of Vitamin C occurred when storing radish in a freezer, ąnd apparently the highest ones in dwelling rooms. Investigating the influence of salting with sodium chloride on Vitamin-C con tents, it came to evidence that in a salted product there were lower losses of Vitamin-C than in the non-seted product (s. Table No 3).