1960, Nr 3
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Przeglądaj 1960, Nr 3 wg Temat "produkcja ogrodnicza"
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Pozycja Open Access Warunki kontraktacji warzyw gruntowych w latach 1950—1957 na przykładzie województwa szczecińskiego i krakowskiego(1960) Wątorski, Józef; Wyzsza szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ekonomii PolitycznejThe introductory part of the article gives the general characteristic of vege table production, turnover and comsuption in Poland. Proceeding to the problem of vegetable contracting in the after — war period the author discussed its aims and tasks, emphasized the differences in comparison with contracting of industrial plants. The detailed discussion of economical incentives of production and supply in crease began with the presentation of the role of contract advance. Then there were discussed successively: exchange factors of corn and potatoes, deduction of area during the distribution of the obligatory supplies, tax relieves for the contracting people, and minimal prices, prices of the buying up and pecuniary premiums for the vegetable suppliers. After the presention of changes, to which the aforesaid in strumentals of material interest were subjected in the years 1950—1957, the author analysed their economical efficacy for the development of production and buying up and the raising up hectare productiveness. The second part of the article discusses the so called productive assistance, given to the planters in the frames of contracting. The author presented the connexion between the provision of particular means of production, which were scarce during the 6-year plan period, and the size of supply in the socialized buying up. On the background of presented in detail forms of the productive assistance (fertilizers, seeds, supply of building materials etc.) there was done the analysis of the effectiveness of industry-agriculture exchange, based on the principle of distribution but free market. The further part of the article presents the role of the fine non performance in realisation of contracting agreement in the conditions of global preponderance of seller’s market at buying up. In the summing up there were analysed the positive and negative result of purchasing organisation. On the basis of these researches the author formulated the conclusions to the address of the Harticultural Cooperative Society established in 1957 and local and central authorities realizing directives of agricultural policy and also those of whom further model changes depend in the trade.