1960, Nr 3
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Przeglądaj 1960, Nr 3 wg Temat "krowa mleczna"
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Pozycja Open Access Wartość pokarmowa kiszonki ze słomy z kukurydzy w żywieniu krów mlecznych(1960) Seidler, Stefan; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Żywienia ZwierzątThe test has been made with the Friesian cows (the lowland blackwhite breed). Twenty experimental animals were divided into two groups evened with regard to milkiness, fat percentage in milk and live weight. The beasts of first group during the entire experiment and the animals of the second group in the first and third stages were receiving hay, ensilage of sugar beet leaves and concentrated feeds (rape-cake, wheat bran and dried sugar factory residue). The second experimental group in the second stage was receiving the ensilage of maize straw in stead of the ensilaged sugar beet leaves. The maize straw of Vigor strain was used in the experiment. It was cut into pieces of 3 cm length. It was ensilaged in permanent reservoirs when its dry matter was higher than 3O°/o then it was sprinkled with water. The daily rations of the silages of sugar beet leaves and of maize straw were the same (30 kg) during the whole period of the experiment just as hay (6 kg). The quantity of the concentrated fodder was changing individually. In order to define a real nourishing value of the feeds used jointly in the experiment the tests of digestibility coefficients were carried out on 2-year heifers. The digestibility coefficients were defined according to the classical method. The digestibility ceofficients of the fodder used together, which were obtained due to the author's own researches, were not in conformity with the calculated ones on the basis of the literature data, in both groups the real digestibility of fibre apperaed to be higher, yet of protein lower. The closest data were obtained for non-nitrogenous extracts. Using-up of the fodder expressed in protein and units in feeding with the feeds given together with the ensilaged maize straw were nearly the same as in feeding with the ensilaged sugar beet leaves. The introduction of the ensilaged maize straw to the rations indeed reduced insignificantly the milk productiveness however it was recompensed with the increase of the fat percentage in milk. The variability analysis did not prove the real differences. During the experiment the cows increased the ir live weight.