1960, Nr 3
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Przeglądaj 1960, Nr 3 wg Temat "Dyscyplina:: rolnictwo i ogrodnictwo"
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Pozycja Open Access Wstępna charakterystyka oddziaływania erozji wodnej na fizyko-chemiczne właściwości gleb w strefie moreny czołowej na Pojezierzu Pomorskim(1960) Chudecki, Zygmunt; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra GleboznawstwaIn his paper the author has given an introductary characteristic of the physical as well as chemical properties of soils in the eroded area of the Pommeranian Lake District. Field investigations were carried out in the autumn of 1957 r. These included the cutting and describing of soil exposures in six slopes selected for the purpose, the taking of soil samples from the various horizons in the profiles, measurment of pulpiness of the humus horizon, at intervals of 5 m, along the rising stretch of the slopes concerned, measurment of lenght and grade of the rising of the slopes as well as taking of surface soil samples. The samples taken helped to deter mine the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The results obtained have been shown on Tables III—XIII. Three out of the six selected slopes are being covered with permanent flora (a 50 years old beech-wood- Profile „F”, and a nearly 13 years old pasture flora —Profiles „B”> „C”) On the three remaining slopes the soil is agricultural land. The selected slopes are similar with regard to soil (produced from diluvial clay) and show no marked differences on the rising stretches. Drawings 1—6. The examined physico-chemical properties of the soils have been dealt with in close connexion with the relief of the area concerned. The results of the investigations show that the definite properties of soils were formed in accordance with the relief and the kind of usage the land had been put to. 1. The pulpiness of the humus, horizon of soils from the rising stretches and tops is markeddy smaller as compared with the soils from the foot of the slopes. The differences between soils from rising stretches and the soils from the foot of slopes amount: on cultivated land to 51 cm., on 13 years old turf land to 50 cm., and on land covered with a 50 years old beechwooid to 26 cm. 2. The humus horizon of the investigated soils is less rich in some nutritional ingredients soluble in 20% HCL in comparison with the deeper horizons; the amounts of potassium К are nearly 2,6 times, of magnesium almost 5 times, of lime nearly 10 times, and of P2 O5 almost 3 times less as the amounts found in the deeper horizons. 3. The soils on rising stretches of slopes, on tops, and the foot of slopes differ from one another in several physical properties: in ground depressions their per meability is at its highest, they have there the greatest cappillary water capacity and the ability of promotng the capillary upward movement of water. 4. The best physical properties have woodlands. 5. The present set of morphological characteristics, and physico-chemical pro perties of the investigated soils permits to divide them into three following complexes a) Soils on tops are mostly of podzolic character b) Soils on rising stretches of slopes resemble brown soils (Braunerde) c) Soils tat the foot of slopes of undefined type, in some places in layers, in other places they show the characteristics of chernozem (black sarth). The variability of the determined properties of soil in undulating land, is evidence of the differentiation of its fertility.Pozycja Open Access Wstępne badania nad szkodami gradowymi w rolnictwie na terenie Polski w okresie lat 1946-1952(1960) Koźmiński, Czesław; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Meteorologii RolniczejThe work which has already been done can de divided into two parts. Firstly the author discussed the hail phenomenataking into consideration, the area yearly and daily frequencies of hail falls in Poland, the frequency above all of hail in Poland in the period 1946—1952, according to the size of the hailstones and the area of distribution. Secondly he discussed the damage caused by hail to corn, root-crops, vegetables and orchards. The work is based on the published material by P.J.H.M. in Hail in Poland” during the period of 1946—1952 and the observation material from some tens of metereological stations during the period of 1946—1957 and representing particular physiological regions of the country. To elaborate the majority of drawn tables and maps the period from IV to the IX was regarded as the vegetation plant cultivation period during which heavy hail fales can cause damage to agriculture. On the basis of the gathered materials the author distinguished four very distinct regions of hail damage to agriculture in Poland. The first region with a small degree of hail damage to agriculture fluctuating averagely from 1 to 10 per cent of yield risk. This region comprises most of the districts of Szczecin, Koszalin, Zielona Góra and Gdańsk, and several districts of the nieighbouring regions that is to say — Warsaw and Wrocław. The second region with an average degree of hail damage to agriculture which fluctuates averagely from 10—15 per cent of yield risk comprises the whole of the centre of Poland and two isolated islands in the West Pomeranian territory. The third region with a large degree of hail damage to the agriculture which has averaged from 16—20 per cent of yield risk a year. This region comprises the majority of districts of Wrocław and Opole, also the districts of Katowice, Kielce and Lublin provinces, and several districts of Bialystok an Poznań. The fourth region with a very heavy degree of hail damage to agriculture which has more thut 2O°/o of yield risk a year. This region comprises several mountainous districts such a: Nowy Targ, Nowy Sącz, Gorlice, Limanowa, Bochnia, Myślenice, Wadowice and Sucha and several districts in the Lublin province such as: Zamość, Krasnystaw, Bychowa, Lublin and Bełżyce.Pozycja Open Access Zawartość błonnika i kwasu askorbinowego w rzodkiewce (Raphanus sativus , v. Radicola ) oraz jego straty w zależności od warunków przechowania(1960) Warzecha, Antoni; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Technologii RolnejInvestigations have been made on two ground-varieties of radish („Icicle” and „Scarlet white-pointed”) where the contents of astringent and the vitamin C losses were determined as influenced by storing conditions. The samples of radish were placed: in a freezer at a temperature of: +1°C; in a vessel with water at 4-16°C; in dwelling rooms at a temp, of + 20°C. The vitamin C losses in each of the samples of radish were determined after 3 hours’ storing. The results as shown in Table No 1 are proving that the „Icicle” variety of radish contains more Vitamin C than the variety called „Round Scarlet white-pointed”. There is a similar situation regarding the astringent contents in radish without or with peel. The results, as seen in Table No 2, show that the lowest losses of Vitamin C occurred when storing radish in a freezer, ąnd apparently the highest ones in dwelling rooms. Investigating the influence of salting with sodium chloride on Vitamin-C con tents, it came to evidence that in a salted product there were lower losses of Vitamin-C than in the non-seted product (s. Table No 3).