1959, Nr 2
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Przeglądaj 1959, Nr 2 wg Temat "kretowanie uprawne"
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Pozycja Open Access Wstępne badania nad działaniem drenowania kreciego kretowania uprawnego oraz pogłębiacza i orki głębokiej na madzie ciężkiej Żuław Wiślanych(1959) Laskowski, S.; Fenglerowa, W.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ogólnej Uprawy Roli i Roślin; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Zakład Doświadczalny Stare PoleThe main purpose of the work undertaken was to find an, as universal as possible, explanation of the effect of mean and deep tillage, mole tillage and mole draining on plant yielding, within a crop rotation. All these operations are executed on heavy mean-glacy middle aluvial soils. Tho influence of these kinds of ploughing on microbiological conditions of heavy mades is represented in diagram 2. It was stated that the effects of mean (28— 30 cm) and deep tillage (30—35 cm) within a crop rotation are very similar. As compared with shallow tillage (20—23 cm) the above mentioned operations, contribute to a crop increase in the first and second year, after they have been applied. In the third year the application of these tillages did not show any advantageous effects and on the contrary has caused a decrease of crop yielding. Among all tractors being at present in use a Famo Boxer, DT-54 and Fiat 55L, can only be applied for mean deep tillage executed with a 3-furrow plough and provided with the fore-shares. The application of a share-shaped subsoiler does not always increase the crop yielding within a crop rotation. The subsoiler applied in shallow tillage causes in the first year a rise of crops similar to that obtained by mean deep ploughing. In the second year alter its application a distinctly lower effect has been observed as compared with that of mean deep tillage. Hence it can be supposed that the effects resulting of subsoiler application in shallow tillage are of a shorter duration than of those mean deep tillage. At the same time the power required for shallow tillage with a subsoiler is much higher as compared with the one required for mean deep tillage. Mole cultivation executed in case of a deep tillage by means of a suboiler of Stare Pole Works construction (Fig. 1) creates in a particular depth some advantageous conditions for microflora and microfauna and at the same time renders possible the development and growth of the roots in crop rotation. The results of our investigation have shown that mole tillage exerts a significant effect on the growth of sugar beet crop, regardless, whether this operation was applied directly (Table 6) or resulted as a successiveness (table 7). No advantageous influence of mole tillage as well as of others special cultivations was observed on potato crop. On the basis of an analysis carried out on the effect of mole draining on the development of soil microflora it can be stated that this operation results above all in microflorp growth in the uppersoil layer (table 11 and 12). Mole draining executed at a depth of 55—60 cm. and at a distance among individual drainage courses of 1,5 cm. exerts within a crop rotation an advantageous effect as an agrotechnical operation. In such a case it can be replaced with succes by mole cultivation which is found to be a much cheaper operation and gives similar effect if compared with the former (tables 5, 6 and 7). The influence of mole draining as well as mole tillage on microflora was expressed in the first year after its application by ;a raise of the quantity of bacteria (general quantity and asotobacter) and by a distinct increase of their activity i. e. fall of relative quantity of bacteria spores. Above all the effect of mole draining on micro flora was evident in deeper layers of the soil 25—30 cm). In the second and even third year after the above mentioned operation has been performed, the reaction of microflora was also disclosed in the upperlayers of the soil, but not as distincly as it was stated for the deeper ones. In the deeper layers of soil, not only the growth of general quantity of bacteria and azotobacters was stated, but also a certain intensification of nitrification processes was noticed, if compared with deep tillage. It is necessary to stress that on experimnetial fields where mole draining and mole cultivation was performed a greater activity of nitrification processes in deeper soil layers (25—30 cm) was stated as compared with the ones where only a simple tillage took place. At the end of the work it is necessary to conclude that in a crop rotation~the results of a complex effect of special cultivations depend not only on plants but also on water deficiency established in relation to the optimal water demand of various plant species in their critical period. The higher level of agrotechnic resulting from the application of special cultivations is the better expressed the greater are water deficiency in small critical periods. The development and microflora activity, especially in surface layer of the soil, depends more on average precipitations than on application of special cultivations. Lack of precipitations has restricted significantly the microbiological dynamic of soil and in connection with it has augmented the bacteria transformation from active forms into spores (table 5).