1958, Nr 1
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Przeglądaj 1958, Nr 1 wg Temat "Dyscyplina::Nauki o Ziemi i środowisku"
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Pozycja Open Access Charakterystyka ważniejszych elementów klimatycznych powiatu szczecińskiego(1958) Prawdzic, Krzysztof; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Meteorologii RolniczejAuthor makes a thorough analysis of climatic elements prevalent at the Szczecin’s District area on the basis of meteorologic statistical data based as well on German observations available from a long period as well as on after-war observations from the period 1949—1956 followed at the three meteorological PIHM Stations, each one of those Stations presenting the climatic conditions of a different area. First of all the data characterizing the thermal and humidity relations prevalent in the District area were thorougly worked out as being of main concern with regard to climate ąnd agriculture. Data in figures, in form of average and extreme values for particular months, years and the growing season May — July were ranged into maps in order to show the regional climatic discrepancies existing between the different areas of the District. A special concern was given as to discussing those of the climatic elements having a prejudicial influence on the growing season such as: slight spring and autumn Frost-Days, whereas frost of the near the ground layers of air was also taken into account, and further such elements as great daily amplitudes, frequent variations of precipitations, dryness periods, heavy winds, storms and hail. It results from the analysis of the meteorological data that the areas of Międzyodrze are characterized by the greatest frequency of occurrence of said elements. This will indicate the climatic deficiencies of those areas in comparison with the areas in their vicinity. In turn, in the areas of Międzyodrze more favourable thermal elements are prevalent, having a bearing on the hastening of the growing process as well as on the protraction of the growing season in comparison with the higher located areas in the vicinity. The analysis of the precipitation data shows that the quantity and frequency of the precipitation depends mostly upon the hipsometry of the area. In connexion with this, it should be emphasized that the highest areas of the Warszewo Hills are characterized by the most propitious conditions with regard to those elements. The distribution of the spatial location of the main agroclimatic elements in the whole District area has been illustrated by 7 climatic maps. From the graphs of the particular isochrones plotted on this maps it can be seen that on a relatively small District area there were great climatic discrepancies stated and in connexion with it a pronounced difference in the growing conditions of the different plants has been appearing.