1959, Nr 2
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Przeglądaj 1959, Nr 2 wg Autor "Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin"
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Pozycja Open Access Wpływ warunków uprawy na plon ziemniaków i ich wartość reprodukcyjną : uwagi wstępne i przegląd literatury(1959) Songin, Włodzimierz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy RoślinIn the Plant Selection Station, at Uszyce, field experiments have been carried out in the years 1954—1956, on the influence of cultivation conditions on the yield, and reproductive value of seedling potato tubers. In this experiment the seed tubers of four potato varieties were used, namely: Pierwiosnek, Żółciak, Dar and Lenino, which in the initial year were planted on the following three types of soils: Point 1. Podsolic sandy soil formed out of loose sands. „ 2. Light black earth. „ 3. Brown soil formed out of light loames. On point 3. the potato tubers were less struck by Rhizoctonia solani (Kuehn) than on points 1. and 2. of the seed tubers of potato from the least favourable cultivation conditions, that is from point 1. have been the worst as to the quality since they geve the lowest yield in the second year of reproduction. Yet in the third year of reproduction that unfavourable effect of those conditions has been completely levelled out, and no significant differences in yield amount relevant to the soil origin of the seed tubers have been noted. It must therefore be assumed that the reproductive value of the seed potatoes may be considered to be a certain complex of potential energy which in less favourable vegetation conditions might easily be inhibited. This inhibition, however, may not last for long, unless virus diseases occur in succesive years of reproduction; it may even recede as was the case in the described experiment.