Dynamika wilgotności erodowanych gleb lekkich w krajobrazie moreny dennej na terenie pow. Stargardzkiego
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
The work deals with the problem of how the variability of the humidity of eroded arable soil in the area of bottommoraine within the Stargard district is forming. The soils of the investigated spot, all belong to podsolic soils (in the process of depodsolising) formed of light clayey sands, mean deep and deep. The gradient of the investigated elopes is about 10%. The more important results of these investigations (carried out in 1956-1957) are:
1. The highest humidity, and at the same time the lowest varia
tion amplitude was found in soils at the foot of slopes.
2. Humidity of soils in 0-45 cm. depth, for the period of inve
stigations, amount to: at the foot of slopes 15,7%, on slopes 7,6%
and on tops 7%.
3. The differences in soil humidity on slopes, depending on their
exposure, are rather insignificant. Nevertheless they affect sub
stantially the growth of arable crops.
4. The heaviest drop in the humidity of soils, on tops and slo
pes, is observed in May, June and July.
Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy BIBL/SP/0060/2024/02 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na wsparcie dla bibliotek naukowych (2024)
Słowa kluczowe
gleba, zawartość wody, morena denna, powiat Stargardzki
Piszczek, J., Chudecki, Z. (1962). Dynamika wilgotności erodowanych gleb lekkich w krajobrazie moreny dennej na terenie pow. Stargardzkiego. Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie, Nr 9, s. 3-21. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/2185