1967, Nr 25
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Przeglądaj 1967, Nr 25 wg Temat "mieszanki roślinne"
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Pozycja Open Access Uprawa kukurydzy w siewach mieszanych w plonach wtórych.(1967) Waligórska, A.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy RoślinThe maize mixtures with sunflower and pulses were tried in joint and separate seedings after the winter catch-crops on light and heavy soils. It was proved that the mixtures gave higher yields of green matter and protein than maize sown alone. The real differences were not proved in yielding of the mixtures sown jointly and separately. By joint seedings, the soilage yield was obtained earlier. On the light soil, the mixtures of maize with sunflower and yellow lupine gave the highest yields, and on the heavy soil, the mixtures of maize with horse beans and common vetch.Pozycja Open Access Wpływ następczy mieszanek z wyką siewną użytkowanych na zieloną paszę na plonowanie rzepaku ozimego.(1967) Pawlus, Mieczysław; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy RoślinIn the years 1958-1961, research was carried out on medium-heavy soil to choose the mixture components with spring vetch. After gathering the mixtures, the following effect was tried on the yield of winter rape. The highest yields were obtained after the vetch was sown alone and in mixtures with pulses only. Increased addition of oats (50 kg/ha) and sunflower (15 kg/ha) caused a real decrease in the rape seeds' yield. Lowest yields were obtained after sunflower sown alone.