1961, Nr 5
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Przeglądaj 1961, Nr 5 wg Temat "Dyscyplina::rolnictwo i ogrodnictwo"
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Pozycja Open Access Gleby początkowego stadium rozwojowego powstające z namułów wydobytych z Zalewu Szczecińskiego(1961) Piszczek, J.; Chudecki, Z.; Kwarta, C.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Gleboznawstwa; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Gleboznawstwa; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Uprawy Łąk i PastwiskThe authors give the results of ground as well as laboratory investigations carried out on the soils of the initial evolutionary stage which are forming on the grounds that more than 20 years ago were covered with alluvial muds from The Szczecin Lagoon. These investigations were carried out .in the years 1947—1960. An area of more than 400 ha was being examined. The area concerned was a longish strip stretching from the Stepnica Bay to the north-west along the shore of the Szczecin Lagoon, not far away from the water-way Szczecin Świnoujście. This area administratively belongs to the villages: Gąsierzyno and Piaski of the borough Stepnica in the Goleniów district. In the investigated area in places of formerly valueless swamp soils, (moor soils of various compactness and mouldy soils on the base of loose sands), and in places of former fallow lands (Dunes of sands, and former moorland) valueable arable and grassland was forming. The arable land forming on the investigated area was certain morphological similarity to humus made ground (sometimes clayey) or to tchernozem soils. The grassland soils forming on the shallow of alluvial muds correspond to the muddy moor soil; soils forming from pulpy alluvial muds, usually more moisty, have the characteristics of muddy swamp soils. The most impor-tant part among the soil forming factors nowadays plays the bedrock (Alluvial muds); the hydrological factors are of less importance. The evolution of the forming of soils is very slow. The moory process dominant prior to the evolution on the investigated area has been interrupted, and is now showing a marked tendency of disappearing. On the cultivated grassland soils the turfing process is now dominant. In the arable land an evolutionary tendency towards forming brown soils can be observed. Significant processes of exidization of the previously reduced chemical compounds, and the beginning of a shift of certain chemical ingredients into the inner parts of the profile have been identified. (Sodium, iron and aluminium oxide compounds). Soils forming from alluvial muds are now of a great agricultural value, and give rich corn crops, hay and roots. The amount of nutritional value and nutritional ingredients they possess is by far greater in comparison with moor soils that are not covered with alluvial muds. The authors think that the high fertility of these soils is mainly due to the great amount of organic substances, and the favourable physical properties, especially their high water-holding capacity. More detailed imformation on the investigated soils are being given in tables 1—4.Pozycja Open Access Nawożenie łąk na pomorzu zachodnim w świetle doświadczeń(1961) Honczarenko, Grzegorz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Uprawy Łąk i PastwiskThe raising of the productivenes of lasting greenland in Western Pommerania requires above all another adjustment of water conditions. The adjustment of water conditions, however, does not provide by itself the expected effects, unless it is accompanied by their agricultural utilization. One of the basic elements of utilization is the systematic and rational fertilizing of grassland and pastures. In the light of investigations carried out, the following can be established: meadow — land on mineral soils reacts above all to nitrogenous fertilization where the productiveness of 1 Kg. N was from 18.5 — to 94.7 Kg. of hay — on the average 42.9 Kg. of hay. Nitrogenous fertilization should be applied at the rate of 60— 100 Kg. per ha. fertilization on mineral soils by potassium and phosphorus instead, does not increase the crop. However, potassium — and phosphorous fertilization should also be applied on such grass — land, 'because if nitrogenous fertilization only, is applied phos- phorous and potassium contents might be exhausted to the detriment of yield. In connection with this we find it advisable to apply potassium — phosphorous fertilization, although in smaller doses, on mineral soils too: the doses should be 40 Kg. KoO and 20—30 Kg. P005 per ha. Grass — land on organic soils reacts to phosporous, potassium and nitrogenous fertilization where the productivenes and rentability of these fertilizers is very-high. The productiveness of 1 Kg. K2 O amounts to 15.7 Kg. of hay 1 Kg. P005 to 24.0 Kg. of hay and of 1 Kg. N to 21.8 Kg. of hay. Potassium fertilization should be applied at the rate of GO— 100 Kg. K2O per ha, the phosphorous one ot the rate of 40— 60 Kg. P2O5 and the nitrogenous at the rate of 40— 60 Kg. N per ha. In the light of the investigations we may maintain hat our grass-lands do not need lime fertilizers, which should be applied rather on arable land. Organic fertilizing should be applied, above all, on moor soils at the amount of 200 q. per ha. every 3 —4 years. Covering of grass-land with potato vine ensures a rise in hay yield. The effectiveness of mineral and organic fertilization is greater on newly laid grass-land. Mineral as well as organic fertilization causes great changes in the flora. On a moor meadow with a plant cover of the Calamagrostis epigeios type, the disappearence of calamagrostis epigeios and Agrostis canina under the influence of mainly phosphorous fertilization, has been observed but instead Poa pratensis and Poa trivialis appeared in great abundance. On a newly laid meadow an increase in numbers of Lolium perenne and Phleum pratense, and a decrease of Fcstuca rubra under the influence of mineral fertilizing could be observed. Fertilizing with PK had in effect a considerable increase of the Trifolium pratense. In the ensuing years investigations concerning the effect of fertilizing on the yield as well as on the grass-land flora should be carried out mainly from the point of view of finding out the right amount of nitrogen doses on mineral soils, and the amount of phosphorous, potassium and nitrogen doses on organic soils.