1960, Nr 4
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Przeglądaj 1960, Nr 4 wg Temat "gleby brunatne"
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Pozycja Open Access Zagadnienie genezy gleb wytworzonych z utworów pyrzyckiego plejstoceńskiego zastoiska wodnego w świetle dotychczasowych danych(1960) Borowiec, Saturnin; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra GleboznawstwaThe paper deals with the genesis of soils developed from Pyrzycki stagnant waters (except for bog soils) according to data relating to changes in vegetation and hydrological relations on the grounds of late-glacial and post-glacial climate. It also considers the influence and the part played in this field by man in prehistoric and historic periods (archeological data and historical sources). Owing to their location in the relief, as well as to subsequent water relations and vegetations in the past, four genetically different types of soils been discriminated: a) the youngest black soils appearing at lowest altitudes, strongly affected by ground waters, developed from holocenic formations covered with meadow vegetation. b) older black soils, less affected by ground waters, located mainly South-West of the Płonią valley. Their formation is linked with specific forest vegetation, principally that of Atlantic and Subboreal periods. c) the oldest black soils (chernozem) not affected by ground waters, located chiefly North-East of the Plonia valley. Development of these soils has been actuated by steppe-like vegetation. d) brown soils appearing at the highest elevations mainly in the North-East parts of the region, and not affected by ground waters. Their genesis has been influenced by specific forest vegetation.