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Pozycja Open Access Drgania normalne i energia potencjalna cząsteczki kwasu mrówkowego(1959) Rytel, Marek; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra FizykiWilmshurst gave, on the basis of a quite convincing comparative argumentation, a somewhat different assignement of normal frequency vibration than did Sverdlov on the basis of normal coordinate treatment. Since the vibrations at issue are having close frequencies, and Sverdlov’s calculations did not seem to be quite accurate, the calculations have been repeated. (By the Eliashewich method; the secular equations were being solved on an analog type electric computer). Exact values of force constants as well as the normal mode have been cumulated. The results obtained do confirm the earlier Sverdlov assignement.Pozycja Open Access O pewnej metodzie uwzględniania anharmoniczności cząsteczek wieloatomowych(1961) Rytel, Marek; Wyzsza Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra FizykiThe method of taking into consideration the anharmonicity proposed by Majanc, and hitherto never checked on any molecule with known harmonic frequen- 118 M. Rytel des hass been used. The harmonic frequencies of isotope molecules of water, and force constants have been calculated the results obtained were in accordance with those obtained previously. The fundamental molecule frequencies from tritium have been foreseen; they are in accordance with the partiel experimental data of Staats, Morgan and Goldstein.