1961, Nr 6
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Przeglądaj 1961, Nr 6 wg Autor "Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Fizyki"
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Pozycja Open Access Interpretacja drgań normalnych oraz stałe siłowe monomeru kwasu octowego(1961) Daca, Tomasz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra FizykiThe vibration calculus of the CH3COOH particle and its deutero-substitutes was done by Svierdlow, Wilmshurst proved that the experimental data, upon which Svierdlov based, did not relate to the CH3COOH monomer — and gave the proper frequencies. On the basis of Wilmshurst’s data the calculus was made according to Eliaszewicz’s method and the results were compared with the experimental frequencies given by Weltner the power constants were counted and the interpretation of vibrations was carried.Pozycja Open Access Porównanie pewnych metod uwzględniania anharmoniczności drgań na przykładzie cyjanowodoru(1961) Sławińska, Danuta; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra FizykiAn evaluation of hydrogen force Constans was carried out (method of smallest squares, composing the secular equation according to the Eliaszewicz method and defining the frequency by the Majanc iteratic method), an evaluation the anhar monic vibriation of molecule by two methods: a) by means of a formula proposed by Majanc, based on analogy to the first approximate for a diatomic molecule, b) by Tchang’s method. The force constants obtained were compared with the velue of force constants given by Allen and others, which are evaluated on the basis of harmonic fre quences defined on the formula for the vibrational energy levels of the molecule.