1961, Nr 6
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Przeglądaj 1961, Nr 6 wg Autor "Laskowski, Stanisław"
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Pozycja Open Access Regionalizacja przyrodniczo-rolnicza na Żuławach Wiślanych (delty Wisły)(1961) Laskowski, Stanisław; Wyższa Szkola Rolnicza. Katedra Ogólnej Uprawy Roli i RoślinOn the basis of a thorough analysis of the respective components of environment and the so far existing (1913—1959) as well as planned. (1957) distribution of the plant production in. the Vistula Delta, the author has drawn, the following conclusions. 1. The here applied method of analyzing the geomorphological, soil, climatic and water conditions has shown that a right division of the Delta region into agricultural subregions and microregions can be achieved only by. a complex regionalization. 106 S. Laskowski 2. The geomorphological units in the area of the Vistula Delta, set apart on the basis of the origin of land — producing processes as well as on the age and hypsometric calculations prove to be of great value in the determining of the recommended lines in the plant production. 3. The poldery water — meliorative system indicates the water conditions. This system, and the density of ditches provides the basis for the calculating of the hydrographic determinant, and consequently for the isolating of sub-regions and agricultural-meliorative micro-regions. 4. There exists quite a marked accordance of division of the Vistula Delta, established on the basis of geomorphological, phenologico-climatic, and hydrographic criteria as well as on soil bonification. The leading elements for the isolating of agricultural sub-regions have been the water conditions, and the general character of the form of the area; for the isolating of agricultural micro-regions — the presence of lasting grasslands as well as some climatic-phenological and hydrographic indices. 5. After having analysed the whole range of the habitat conditions, the author isolated in the region of the Vistula Delta 3 naturalist-agricultural subregions: a farming I, grazing and fodder-producing II, and a region for tourism and recreation III, in the grazing subregion (II) three micro-regions have been isolated: a fodder-producing and an agricultural one (A), an agricultural and fodder-producing one (B), and a meadow-grazing one (C). 6. In all the naturalist-agricultural regions and micro-regions the distribution of lasting grasslands depends on the conditions on the site, especially on melioration and agricultural conditions. The use of land in the Vistula Delta is thus of a regional character. In the farming sub-region there now appear (because of periodical water deficiency on the high made land) excessive quantities of meadows and pastures, whereas rather few in the remaining area. 7. Distribution of winter and spring cereal corn (plant groups), and wheat and winter rye as well as hemp and peas depends largely on topographic- hydrological factors. Parallel to the lowering of the terrain, and its approaching the coast, the area of spring cereal crops and hemp increases, the area of winter cereal crops and peas, on the other hand, decreases. 8. There has been a marked absence, in the years 1958—1959, of relation between the conditions on the site and the location of winter rape, brewery barley, vitia fela minor and fodder corn. In addition, there is at present a decrease in winter rape, vitia feta minor, and also in fine grain leguminous crops, especially on small peasant farms as compared with the pre-war period. 9. The present distribution of sugar beet, potatoes and vegetables depends either on economic conditions, or on the amount of labour available for the work to be done, or on the demand in the market. The location of the various kinds of .vegetables, on the other hand, depends on site factors (soil and climate). 10. The planned distribution of the plant production provides for a decrease in-the farming sub-region (I) of meadows and pastures as well as rye and potatoes, and in the pasture- and grazing sub-region (II), and the sub-region for tourism and recreation a decrease in cereals and root crops (especially in sugar beet). On the other hand, an increase in the area of winter wheat, leguminous crops clover and lucerne is being provided for. 11. The distribution of agricultural products in areas with a great amount of lasting meadows and pastures is to be determined in close relation to the whole area of agriculturally used land. In this case the regional character of certain existing crops stands out markedly. The planned location provided tor in the scheme, on the other hand, is adjusted to the structure of the natural environment. 12. The evaluation of the distribution of plant production should be made solely on the basis of the following factors: Does the recommended crop structure provide for good fore-crops, good both from the natural and agrotechnical viewpoint. 13. The amount of naturally and agrotechnically good forecrops in the Vistula Delta depends largely on topographico-hydrological conditions, and consequently on their specific system and also on other economic factors.