1964, Nr 12
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Przeglądaj 1964, Nr 12 wg Autor "Koźmiński, C."
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Pozycja Open Access Prototyp gradomierza rejestrującego(1964) Koźmiński, C.; Bac, S.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra MeteorologiiEmployment of hydrostatic weighing methods enabled the authors to produce a registering hail meter with a measuring surface of 800 cm². A 1000 g increase of hr11 granules weight causes a perpendicular move of the hand (feather) by 200 mm. The prototype enables to read hail intensity with an accuracy of 10 g per 30 seconds as well as to tell the number of rainfalls from the particular hail storm.Pozycja Open Access Zagadnienie rejonizacji niektórych upraw roślinnych na terenie Pomorza Zachodniego w świetle częstości występowania szkodliwych elementów meteorologicznych(1964) Prawdzic, K.; Koźmiński, C.; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Meteorologii; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra MeteorologiiAn Attempt is here made to fix areas in West Pomerania where a number of meteorologic phenomena occur (as observed in the years 1948-1959 by 18 meteorologic PIHM stations) that may really do harm to principal farm crops. The mentioned phenomena include slight frosts, droughts, excessive rainfalls, hail and stormy winds. Most interesting prove the results obtained on potatoes being subject to great harm done by meteorologic factors when planted on peat soil in valleys, particularly in North-East Pomerania. The risk, then, of planting them in such valleys is much greater than when planted on the neighboring highlands.