Repozytorium ZUT

Repozytorium ZUT jest cyfrową usługą, która gromadzi, przechowuje i udostępnia materiały cyfrowe utworzone przez społeczność akademicką Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie


Najnowsze publikacje

PozycjaOpen Access
CO2 adsorption studies on spherical carbon derived from resorcinol-formaldehyde resin and sugars
(Elsevier, 2023-12-15) Staciwa, Piotr; Sibera, Daniel; Pełech, Iwona; Narkiewicz, Urszula; Moszyński, Dariusz; Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
A highly porous spherical carbon material produced from resorcinol-formaldehyde resin and sugars was applied as an efficient CO2 sorbent. The effect of the modification with different sugars on the physicochemical properties of the obtained materials was investigated. As a result, very efficient CO2 adsorbents have been obtained. Produced materials expressed high CO2 uptake values, reaching 6.79 mmol/g at 0 oC and 1 atm for the sample modified with xylitol. In addition, the selectivity of the sugar modified samples towards CO2 has been significantly improved in comparison to the reference resorcinol-formaldehyde resin derived sample. The incorporation of sugars resulted in changes in the crystallographic structure of the samples leading to obtaining more disordered carbon materials.
PozycjaOpen Access
Bibliografia publikacji pracowników Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie za rok 2002
(Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie, 2003) Jankowska, Elżbieta opracowała; Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie
PozycjaOpen Access
Data-Based Estimation of Parameters for Time-Inhomogeneous CTMC Birth-and-Death of Call Centers
(EUROSIS-ETI, 2023-10-24) Burak, Maciej, Rafał; West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
In this paper, we present a novel approach to estimate parameters of a queuing model using real call center data. Our approach leverages the transient solution of an inhomogeneous continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) queuing model emulating the behavior of the genuine system. Specifically, to assess the fidelity of our modeling approach, we use an example of approximating the real call center system with an inhomogeneous M(n)/M/c/K + M CTMC model. To do this, we utilize authentic call center data for replicating the behavior of the real system through our model. In particular, the model incorporates the true time-dependent rates for the arrival process, service rates, and the number of available servers. Our analysis focuses on assessing the accuracy of the Markovian assumptions made for modeling customer abandonment during waiting periods. Furthermore, we investigate the performance of our model under two distinct scenarios: overloaded systems and systems operating in a quality-driven mode. By examining these cases, we ascertain the effectiveness of our assumptions in accurately representing the behavior of the call center. Finally, we demonstrate the practical application of our findings by showcasing how a simple and computationally efficient M(n)/M/c/K+M Markovian approximation of a real call center can be used for accurate personnel planning while adhering to service-level constraints.
PozycjaOpen Access
Data-Based Estimation of Parameters for Time-Inhomogeneous CTMC Birth-and-Death of Call Centers. [Presentation]
(2023) Burak, Maciej, Rafał; West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
PozycjaOpen Access
Bibliografia publikacji pracowników Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie za rok 2001
(Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie, 2003) Jankowska Elżbieta opracowała; Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie