The Evaluation of Sanitary and Veterinary Inspection Results of Deer in Poland in 2015–2018

dc.contributor.authorGórski, Krzysztof
dc.contributor.authorKondracki, Stanisław
dc.contributor.organizationDepartment of Agrobioengineering and Animal Husbandry, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Polanden
dc.contributor.organizationDepartment of Agrobioengineering and Animal Husbandry, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Polanden
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of lesions and qualitative changes in deer in Poland in 2015–2018. The results of the sanitary and veterinary examination of roe deer, fallow deer and red deer carried out by the Veterinary Inspectorate were analyzed. In 2015–2018, 719 916 roe deer, 27 540 fallow deer and 290 424 red deer were subjected to sanitary and veterinary examinations. The analysis included: emaciation, putrefaction, septicaemia and pyemia and other changes. It was found that in Poland in 2015–2018 the number of acquired deer increased. The number of roe deer, fallow deer and red deer in which lesions were found shows an upward trend. In the years 2015–2018 there was a significant increase in the percentage of occurrence of qualitative changes in deer in the form of putrefaction. In most cases, these changes were the reason why the carcasses were declared unfit for consumption. In the analyzed period there was a systematic increase in the percentage of deer carcasses deemed unfit for consumption in comparison to all examined. In recent years, quite frequent cases of hunters delivering carcasses with signs of improper handling of hunted game in the hunting ground and during transport have been registered. This is mainly due to the non-cleaning of gunshot wounds, improper and inaccurate eviscerating and bleeding, as well as the occurrence of local infusions. This may increase the number of carcasses declared unfit for consumption. The quality of the raw game meat supplied for processing depends on the skills of hunters. It is therefore advisable to increase the requirements and enforce hunters’ knowledge of the procedures in force when dealing with venison in the hunting ground. It is also important that collection centers provide proper conditions for storing carcasses.en
dc.description.abstractCelem badań była analiza wyników badania poubojowego zwierzyny płowej w Polsce w latach 2015–2018. Analizie poddano wyniki urzędowego badania sanitarno-weterynaryjnego saren, danieli i jeleni, przeprowadzonego przez Inspekcję Weterynaryjną. W ocenie uwzględniono takie zmiany, jak: wychudzenie i wodnicę, rozkład gnilny, posocznicę bądź ropnicę oraz inne zmiany. Stwierdzono, że w Polsce w latach 2015–2018 wzrosła liczba pozyskanej zwierzyny płowej. Liczba saren, danieli i jeleni, u których stwierdzono zmiany chorobowe, wykazuje tendencję wzrostową. W latach 2015–2018 nastąpił znaczny wzrost odsetka występowania u zwierzyny płowej odchyleń jakościowych w postaci rozkładu gnilnego. W większości przypadków zmiany te były powodem uznania tusz za niezdatne do spożycia. W analizowanym okresie nastąpił systematyczny wzrost odsetka tusz zwierzyny płowej uznanych za niezdatne do spożycia, w stosunku do wszystkich zbadanych.pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationGórski K., Kondracki K. (2020). The Evaluation of Sanitary and Veterinary Inspection Results of Deer in Poland in 2015–2018. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech., 354(53)1, 5–16. doi 10.21005/AAPZ2020.53.1.01pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczeciniepl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectwild gameen
dc.subjectsanitary and veterinary examinationen
dc.subjectqualitative changesen
dc.subjectzwierzęta łownepl_PL
dc.subjectbadanie sanitarno-weterynaryjnepl_PL
dc.subjectzmiany chorobowepl_PL
dc.subjectodchylenia jakościowepl_PL
dc.subject.otherDyscyplina::Nauki rolnicze::Zootechnika i rybactwopl_PL
dc.subject.otherDyscyplina::Nauki rolnicze::Weterynariapl_PL
dc.titleThe Evaluation of Sanitary and Veterinary Inspection Results of Deer in Poland in 2015–2018en
dc.title.alternativeOcena wyników badania sanitarno-weterynaryjnego zwierzyny płowej w Polsce w latach 2015–2018pl_PL


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