Janda, KatarzynaMarkowska-Szczupak, Agata2022-03-182022-03-182014Janda K., Markowska-Szczupak A. (2014). Wpływ aktywności wody i temperatury na wzrost oraz aktywność lipolityczną kserofilnego grzyba Eurotium herbariorum (Weber ex F.H. Wigg.) Link. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 310(30), 43–54.2081-1284https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/1117Eurotium herbariorum (Weber ex F.H. Wigg.) Link strains isolated from rapeseed, soybean and sunflower seed were incubated on liquid medium with oils, adequately, rapeseed oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil. Influence of water activity (aw) of medium (0.995; 0.950; 0.900 and 0.850) and temperature (15º and 25ºC) on dry mass, proteins content and lipolytic activity were studied. Irregardless of oil type, protein content achieved by Eurotium herbariorum (Weber ex F.H. Wigg.) Link strains on medium of water activity in the range between 0,900 and 0,995 at 25ºC were higher that at 15ºC. The study proved, that all strains were able to biosynthesis lipolytic exoenzymes on liquid medium with oils. Lipolytic activity was higher at 15ºC than at 25ºC.This indicates that presence Eurotium herbariorum (Weber ex F.H. Wigg.) Link strains in oilseeds may to initiate disadvantageous quality changes of oils.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polskaaktywność lipolitycznaEurotium herbariorumsucha masa grzybnizawartość białkadry mass of myceliumlipolytic activityprotein contentDyscyplina::Nauki rolniczeWpływ aktywności wody i temperatury na wzrost oraz aktywność lipolityczną kserofilnego grzyba Eurotium herbariorum (Weber ex F.H. Wigg.) LinkInfluence of Water Activity and Temperature on Growth and Lypolytic Activity of Xerophilic Fungus Eurotium herbariorum (Weber ex F.H. Wigg.) LinkArticle2300-5378