Kopiczko, AnnaCieplińska, Joanna2022-03-212022-03-212014Kopiczko A., Cieplińska J. (2014). Gęstość mineralna kości oraz sposób żywienia i stan odżywienia studentek i studentów fizjoterapii. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 310(30), 55–66.2081-1284https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/1130The occurrence of underestimation of bone mineral density (BMD) and significant deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D in the diets examined male and female students. Proper BMD was significantly more common in people with excess body weight and consuming calcium and vitamin D nutritional guidelines at the level compared with students and deficiency of body weight and understated supply of calcium and vitamin D in the day nutritional ration. Examined a group of students, and students should be included in nutrition education program in the field of care for peak bone mass and a program for the prevention of osteoporosis.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polskagęstość mineralna tkanki kostnejpodaż wapnia i witaminy Dstudencibone mineral densitycalcium and vitamin DstudentsDyscyplina::Nauki rolniczeGęstość mineralna kości oraz sposób żywienia i stan odżywienia studentek i studentów fizjoterapiiBone Mineral Density and Style of Feeding and Nutrition Status Male and Female Students PhysioteraphyArticle2300-5378