Kutyna, IgnacyMalinowska, Katarzyna2022-03-162022-03-162010Kutyna I., Malinowska K. (2010). Struktura geograficzno-historyczna flory oraz jej stopień synantropizacji w fitocenozach leśnych przylegających do parkingów oraz występujących w ich obrębie. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin. 2010, Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 279 (15), 45–52. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/10712081-1284https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/1071Changes in the flora of natural forest communities forming in the areas between the forest and a roadside car park or the forest and a forest car park and in the phytocenoses of car parks were determined by enumerating anthropogenic indices of: natural character of flora, proper synanthropy and potential flora, proper and potential apophytization, proper and potential apophytism of spontaneophytes, general anthropophytisation, archeophytization of flora, kenophytization of flora, modernization of flora (M), stability of the flora of anthropophytes and stability of total flora and the indices of fluctuation changes in the flora of anthropophytes and in total flora of the studied phytocenoses. Communities deep in the forest in both habitats are characterised by considerably larger indices of natural character, as compared to the flora of phytocenoses of the area between the forest and the car park. The lowest natural character is shown by communities in the car parks. Whereas phytocenoses formed in the car parks show the highest indices of proper and potential synanthropization. This is the result of anthropogenic impact on these specific habitats. A direct penetration of the habitats of the forest adjacent to the car parks (ecotone zone) by travellers leads to a change in the structure of phytocenoses towards their synanthropization. This is confirmed by the indices of anthropophytisation, which are largest in the communities of the car parks. In the structure of the investigated communities, the contribution of archeophytes is small and in the phytocenoses of the forests they are not found at all. The occurrence of alien species (kenophytes) in the studied phytocenoses is not significant and this is confirmed by small indices of kenophytization. The flora of the examined communities shows a high degree of stability and fluctuation changes in anthropophytes and the entire flora of individual phytocenoses are not big. Only in phytocenoses in the car parks in the forest habitats, the index is a little larger due to the occurrence in them a larger number of diaphytes. The analysis of the spatial structure of anthropogenic indices of variability in the flora is of considerable cognitive significance. It facilitates verification of the space from the perspective of the natural character of the flora (the index of the natural character, synanthropization and apophytization) and also the expansion of alien species (the index of kenophytization and fluctuation changes). It also allows to determine the relative stability of the species composition (index of archeophytization and stability of the flora).plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 PolskaResearch Subject Categories::FORESTRY, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES and LANDSCAPE PLANNINGantropofitygrupy geograficzno-historycznespontaneofitywskaźniki antropogenicznezbiorowiska leśnezbiorowiska synantropijneanthropogenic indicesantropophytesforest communitiesspontaneophytessynanthropic communitiesthe geographical-historical groupsDyscyplina::Nauki rolniczeStruktura geograficzno-historyczna flory oraz jej stopień synantropizacji w fitocenozach leśnych przylegających do parkingów oraz występujących w ich obrębieGeographic and historical structure of flora and its degree of synanthropy in forest phytocenoses adjacent to car parks and found in their neighbourhoodArticle2300-5378