Gavrilina, OlenaAlekseeva, NataliaPozmogova, SvetlanaKostyuk, Volodymyr2022-02-252022-02-252019Gavrilina O., Alekseeva N., Pozmogova S., Kostyuk V. (2019). Indication of Mycobacteria of Mammals and Birds at the ZOO. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 2019, 348(49)1, 71–78. doi: 10.21005/AAPZ2019.49.1.072081-1284 results of allergic, bacteriological and biochemical studies in the diagnosis of mycobacterial infections of mammals and birds in the zoo of the municipal enterprise «T. H. Shevchenko park of Culture and Rest» Dnipro city are described. Comprehensive epizootic research was aimed at the exclusion of dangerous pathogenic mycobacteria. Zoological zones of pathogenic mycobacteria were not recorded in the environment and in animal organisms, but in the ground of enclosures and faeces we identified three cultures of acid-fast microorganisms, one of them was identified as M. flavescens, indicating the circulations of mycobacterial agents in internal and external environment of animal biotope of zoo.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polskamycobacterial infectionsanimals of the zoological collectionallergicbacteriological and biochemical researchdiagnosis of mycobacteriosesDyscyplina::Nauki rolnicze::WeterynariaIndication of Mycobacteria of Mammals and Birds at the ZOOArticle10.21005/AAPZ2019.49.1.072300-5378