Rekowska, EwaJurga-Szlempo, Barbara2022-03-072022-03-072011Rekowska E., Jurga-Szlempo B., (2011). Ocena plonowania wybranych odmian wysoko rosnących pomidora w uprawie polowej. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 286 (18), 65–71. two-year experiment (2007–2008), the suitability of six indeterminate cultivars of tomato (Aurelius F1, Megana F1, Merkury F1, Red Chief F1 – greenhouse cultivars, and as model cultivars Malinowy Henryka and Złoty Ożarowski) for stake culture in the open field in the climatic conditions of West Pomeranian Region was estimated. Among tested tomato cultivars significantly higher marketable yield was obtained for Aurelius F1 and Megana F1 (respectively 48.35 and 47.40 t·ha–1). Moreover, cultivar Megana F1 was characterized by the highest participation of marketable yield in the total yield of tomato fruit. Analysis of the biometrical features showed that fruit of tomato cultivars: Aurelius F1, Merkury F1, Red Chief F1 and Megana F1 was characterized by significantly thicker pericarp in comparison with common field cultivar Malinowy Henryka. Comparing to this cultivar – higher fruit weight was noted for cultivars: Złoty Ożarowski, Red Chief F1 and Aurelius F1, Merkury F1.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polskajakość owocówodmianywielkość plonucultivarstomatoquality of fruityieldpomidorDyscyplina::Nauki rolnicze::Rolnictwo i ogrodnictwoOcena plonowania wybranych odmian wysoko rosnących pomidora w uprawie polowejEvaluation of Selected Cultivars of High Vielding Tomato Field CultivationArticle2300-5378