Orłowski, Przemysław2023-06-022023-06-022000Orłowski P. (2000). Selected Problems of Uncertainty Estimates for Non-linear Discrete-Time Systems. W: Ogólnopolskie warsztaty doktoranckie OWD 2000, Istebna-Zaolzie 22-25.10.2000. (Archiwum konferencji PTETiS vol. 9), pp. 195-199. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/1776https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/1776The paper develops a mathematical framework which helps to analyse the following class of finite horizon control problems for uncertain nonlinear discrete-time systems. [ WZORY] Uncertainty in the system description are modelled by unknown (norm bounded) mixed additive-multiplicative perturbations of the system matrix. It is assumed that the nominal control has feedback form. If the nominal control will be applied to the uncertain system the state and output will be (in general) different. Formulas for deriving estimates for the deviations of the output of perturbed system from the output of the nominal one has been presented. These estimates use norms of certain dynamical operators defined on a finite time interval.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskauncertain dynamic systemsuncer-tain linear systemsdiscrete-time systemserror estimationnon-linear analysisnon-linear analysistime-varying systemsstate-space modelsDyscyplina::Nauki inżynieryjno-techniczneSelected Problems of Uncertainty Estimates for Non-linear Discrete-Time SystemsconferenceObject