Bortnowska, Grażyna2023-04-052023-04-052005Bortnowska G. (2005). Wpływ wybranych obróbek termicznych na skład lotnych substancji zapachowych aromatu kminkowego w modelowej potrawie z drobiu. Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin., Scientia Alimentaria 246 (4),15-22 of selected thermal treatments on composition of caraway flavouring volatiie components released into the layer immediately above the food were followed in a model poultry dish. The quality of volatiles in vapours of the modet dish headspace was found to be independent of the thermal treatment applied. On the other hand, the quantity of the volatile compounds clearly depended on the treatment used, particularly in previously frozen dishes . The caraway aroma over a model dish cooked in a convection-steam oven and in a microwave oven was slightly more intensive than that over a dish cooked in a traditional way. Thermal treatment, applied to a frozen dish, in a convection-steam oven with a simultaneous application of steam and hot air was most effective in restricting the release of volatiles into the dish headspace.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaanaliza headspacearomat przyprawowyobróbka termicznapotrawa z drobiuflavouring formulaheadspace analysispoultry dishthermal treatmentDyscyplina::Nauki rolniczeWpływ wybranych obróbek termicznych na skład lotnych substancji zapachowych aromatu kminkowego w modelowej potrawie z drobiu.Effects of Selected Thermal Treatments on Composition of Volatile Compounds of the Caraway Favouring in a Model Poultry DishArticle