Gryta, Marek2023-03-092023-03-092019-05-20PROCEEDINGS 46th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering978-80-8208-011-0 presented work is associated with the investigations on the membrane distillation process for the treatment of saline oily wastewaters, such as bilge water. The polypropylene capillary membranes were applied for process study. During the separation of wastewaters the intensive membrane fouling was observed. The formation of deposits on the membrane surface accelerates the pores wettability. It was confirmed, that the degree of membrane wetting in the MD process influences on the purity of obtained distillate. However, the obtained degree of retention for the inorganic compounds amounted to 98% and more than 99 % for the organic compounds.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskamembrane distillationoily wastewaterbilge waterbrineInżynieria ChemicznaSeparation of saline oily wastewater by membrane distillationconferenceObject2018/29/B/ST8/00942