Jarnuszewski, GrzegorzMeller, Edward2022-02-282022-02-282013Jarnuszewski G., Meller, E. (2013). Proporcje składników mineralnych w roślinach uprawianych na glebach pobagiennych nawożonych cynkiem i miedzią. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin. Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 304 (26), 25–32.2081-1284https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/828In pot experiments the influence of Zn and Cu fertilisation on the yield quantity and quality of the plants grown on the muck taken from 2 post-bog soils: peat-muck soil and mineral- muck soil on lucustrine chalk, was compared. The experiments were conducted in the years 2000–2002 and each year the pots were filled with a new muck material. The main crop included: maize (2000), spring barley (2001), spring wheat (2002); and aftercrop: mustard (2000), rape (2001) and oats (2002). Zinc dose was 18 mg Zn kg–1 soil dry matter and copper – 9 mg Cu kg–1 soil dry matter. Macro- and microelement content in plants afforded to calculate ion proportions of: K : Ca, K : Mg, K : [Ca + Mg] and weight proportions of Ca : P and Fe : Mn. A significant positive relationship was found between: the yield of maize, spring barley, rape, oats and the Ca:P ratio; and significantly negative between the yield of maize, barley, rape, oats and the K : [Ca + Mg] ratio. These studies show that the majority of plants grown on both kinds of post-bog soils are characterised by cation proportions departing from the optimum values for fodder or plant growth and development. The ratios of K : Ca, K : Mg and K : [Ca + Mg] were most often too narrow and Ca : Mg, Ca : P, Fe : Mn -too wide. The plants from mineral-muck soil on lacustrine chalk had wider ratios of K : Ca, K : Mg, K : [Ca + Mg], Fe : Mn, and narrower the Ca : P ratio in comparison with the plants grown on peat-muck soil. The Ca : P ratio was even in crops from both kinds of soil. Zinc and copper fertilisation resulted in narrowing the ratio of K : Ca, K : Mg and K : [Ca + Mg] in main crop; and widening in: mustard, rape and oats.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polskagleby pobagiennenawożenie mikroelementamiproporcje ilościowe kationów w roślinachcation quantity proportions in plantsmicroelement fertilisationpost-bog soilsDyscyplina::Nauki rolniczeProporcje składników mineralnych w roślinach uprawianych na glebach pobagiennych nawożonych cynkiem i miedziąMineral Element Ratios in Plants Grown in Post-bog Soils Fertilised with Zinc and CopperArticle2300-5378