Piątek-Hnat, MartaBomba, KubaPęksiński, Jakub2021-12-062021-12-062020-02-29Piątek-Hnat, M., Bomba K., Pęksiński J.(2020) Synthesis and Selected Properties of Ester Elastomer Containing.Sorbitol. Appl. Sci, 10, 1628; doi:10.3390/app10051628https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/486The aim of this work was synthesizing ester elastomers, using sorbitol as a monomer obtainable from renewable sources. Three polymers were synthesized, utilizing three di erent polycondensation times. Their mechanical and thermal properties were examined and compared. Poly(sorbitol sebacate-co-butylene sebacate) elastomers were synthesized as a result of polycondensation reaction, using sebacic acid, butylene glycol and sorbitol as monomers. Resulting materials had good mechanical properties and a cross-linked structure. Such elastomers are susceptible to hydrolytic degradation which has been confirmed in earlier studies. This paper shows that the material synthesized utilizing a 3.5 h polycondensation time has the most desirable mechanical and thermal properties, and the reaction is characterized by the highest degree of conversion of substrates.enUznanie autorstwa 3.0 Polskaelastomerspolycondensationsustainable sourcesbiodegradable materialmaterial propertiesDyscyplina::Nauki inżynieryjno-techniczneSynthesis and Selected Properties of Ester Elastomer Containing SorbitolArticle10.3390/app10051628