Starczewski, JózefBombik, AntoniCzarnocki, Szymon2022-03-142022-03-142010Starczewski J., Bombik A., Czarnocki S. (2010). Zawartość białka w ziarnie zbóż uprawianych w mieszankach z pszenżytem ozimym w zależności od stosowanej technologii uprawy. Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin. 2010, Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech. 276 (13), 55–60. were carried out in the years 2004–2007 at the University of Podlasie Experimental Station in Zawady. The factors investigated in the study were as follows: cultivation of cereal species (winter wheat, winter triticale and rye) in pure stand and in mixtures (numbers in brackets specify grain proportions of individual species at sowing), and cultivation system. A field experiment was designed as a split plot arrangement of treatments. The results obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and mean separation was obtained by the Tukey’s test. Mono-cropped winter wheat grain was characterized by the lowest protein content. Wheat cultivated in mixtures accumulated more protein in grain, the accumulation being particularly stimulated by competition with rye. Significantly more protein was obtained in the grain of intensivelycultivated wheat. No significant differences in winter triticale grain protein content were found resulting from competition with other species. On the other hand, there was confirmed significance of weather conditions in individual growing seasons, cultivation system and an interaction between the two factors. Significantly most protein was accumulated by triticale cultivated in the third study year. Like for wheat, increased fertilization significantly influenced triticale grain protein content, too. Response of rye was similar to the response of winter triticale. No differences were observed resulting from different proportions in mixtures. Significantly more protein in grain was associated with intensive cultivation. Moreover, significantly more protein was obtained in grain in the third study year, compared with the first year. Significantly most protein was recorded in the plots where wheat was cultivated in pure stand. In all the rye treatments there was observed a tendency towards reduction in protein yield, compared with triticale treatments.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polskamieszanki zbożowepszenica ozimapszenżyto ozimetechnologia uprawyzawartość białkażyto ozimecultivation systemmixtures of cerealsprotein contentwinter ryewinter triticalewinter wheatDyscyplina::Nauki rolniczeZawartość białka w ziarnie zbóż uprawianych w mieszankach z pszenżytem ozimym w zależności od stosowanej technologii uprawyPotein Content in the Grain of Crereals Grown in Mixtures with Winter Triticale Depending on the Cultivation SystemArticle2300-5378