Kitczak, TeodorCzyż, HenrykKirkiewicz, Anna2022-03-042022-03-042016Kitczak T., Czyż H, Kirkiewicz A. (2016).The effect of different doses of fertilisation with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen on seed yield of Dactylis glomerata L. of ‘Tukan’ variety, Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Agric., Aliment., Pisc., Zootech., 325(37)1, 19–28. doi 10.21005/AAPZ2016.37.1.03 study was conducted at the Lipki Agricultural Experiment Station in Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński on acid brown soil formed of light glacial sand on clay (5 Bw pgl : pgm), which is characterised by low content of humus on Ap level (1.57–1.59%) and clay particles (11.9–12.4%). The field experiment was set up in split-plot system in four replications, with an area of a single plot of 12 m2. The study included two factors: I – doses of phosphorus and potassium (P + K kg . ha–1): 60 + 120 and 90 + 180, II – doses of nitrogen (N kg . ha–1): 0, 40, 80 and 120. The experiment was established in 2010 by sowing Dactylis glomerata seeds of ‘Tukan’ variety (8 kg . ha–1) in spring barley harvested for grain. The study included two years of seed collection (2011 and 2012). The study determined plant density in the years of full use, number of generative shoots per plant, inflorescence length, number of spikelets and seeds per inflorescence as well as seed and straw yield. Biometric observations were conducted in 25 randomly selected inflorescences from each plot. Seed and straw yield was determined on the area of each plot during seed harvest. Dactylis glomerata of ‘Tukan’ variety was characterised by higher level of yields in the first than in the second year of seed collection. The obtained results indicate, that when establishing a plantation on light soil with companion planting in spring barley, it is advisable to use 120 kg N, 60 kg P and 120 kg K . ha–1. The increased phosphorus-potassium fertilisation (90 kg P and 180 kg . ha–1) did not change the studied morphological features of plants (number of generative shoots per plant, length of inflorescence, number of spikelets and seeds per inflorescence), while fertilising with nitrogen in doses of 40, 80 and 120 kg . ha–1 had a positive effect on increasing the above mentioned features.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polskamorphological features of plantsDactylis glomerata L.‘Tukan’ varietylight soilseed and straw yieldcechy morfologiczne roślinDactylis glomerata L.odmiana ‘Tukan’gleba lekkaplony nasion i słomyDyscyplina::Nauki rolnicze::Zootechnika i rybactwoThe effect of different doses of fertilisation with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen on seed yield of Dactylis glomerata L. of ‘Tukan’ varietyWpływ zróżnicowanych dawek nawożenia fosforem, potasem i azotem na plon nasion Dactylis glomerata L. odmiany ‘Tukan’Article10.21005/AAPZ2016.37.1.032300-5378