Michałek, KatarzynaOberska, Patrycja2023-05-172023-05-172023-01Michałek K., Oberska P., (2023). Aquaporins in male reproductive system: a chance for paternity or a road to nowhere?, Andrology, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/andr.13374https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12539/1754Aquaporins (AQPs) – small, “unusual” proteins, whose discovery revolutionized the view of membrane transport of water and other small molecules, are essential for all living organism. AQPs located in the male reproductive system seem to play a key role in the proper course of many processes occurring within it, and thus maintaining a high reproductive potential.enUznanie autorstwa 4.0 Polskawater channelaquaporinmale infertilitymale reproductive tractspermzootechnika i rybactwo, inżynieria biomedyczna, nauki medyczne, nauki o zdrowiu, nauki biologiczneAquaporins in male reproductive system: a chance for paternity or a road to nowhere?Article10.1111/andr.133742021/43/B/NZ9/00204