Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie 1958 - 1971
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Przeglądaj Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie 1958 - 1971 wg Temat "choroby roślin"
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Pozycja Open Access Przyczynek do znajomości flory grzybów pasożytniczych wywołujących choroby roślin (na podstawie zebranych materiałów w Szczecinie i jego okolicy w latach 1959—1961)(1963) Madej, Tadeusz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Ochrony RoślinВ этой работе составлено 95 видов грибов, вызывающих болезни растений. В работе не указаны паразитические грибы в числе 150 видов, которые собраны на плодовых деревьях и кустах, огородных культурах и Декоративных растениях в огородах дачников города Щецина в 1958 г. Работа представлена к печати вместе с проф. К. Залеским. Обе работы становят придаток к познанию паразитной микрофлоры г. Щецина и его ближайшей пригородной зоны.Pozycja Open Access Wpływ terminu kopania na stopień porażenia kłębów ziemniaczanych przez przetrwalniki ospowatości (Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn)(1960) Songin, Włodzimierz; Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza w Szczecinie. Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy RoślinAt Uszyce Plant Selection Station in the years 1955 - 1956 and at Lipki and Ostoja Agricultural Experimental Stations in the year 1958 field experiments have been carried out the aim of which has been to find whether the degree of potato tuber infection with the Black Scurf sclerots (spores) (Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn = Corticium solani) is increasing as potato lifting is postponed. The data and observations of these experiments show that quite young tubers of earlier potato liftings were already in some degree infected with the Black Scurf sclerots. The infection intensity was increasing as the lifting time was being postponed until the entire physiological maturity of potatoes, After complete withering of potato stalks the tubers were not being any more infected with the Black Scurf sclerots in spite of lying in the soil. It ought to be stressed the process of producing the Black Scurf sclerots was irregular but in some periods the sudden increase of the infection degree was observed. It seems that the period of the intense process of producing the sclerots occurs at the end periods of potato vegetation. The results obtained of these experiments prove moreover that the increase of the Black Scurf on the potato tubers depends very much upon such factors as: type of soil, variety properties and the whole of meteorological-climatic conditions.